The Adventure Begins
Introducing my new girlfriend, Makina.

Riding that train, high on Makina
The train ride to meet Makina

My first meet with Makina
Meeting Makina for the first time.

A Happy Father's Day
Practicing being on the toss while on the hard. Oh and Happy Father's Day!

Monday, Monday. This one was like-able...
Trying to check off the TODO list to get Makina splashed...

Chill Day or how a HotSpot turned me into a coach cat...
A needed chill day to recoup from the steady travel and activities of late.

Things seem to be slowly coming together.
Trying to check some items off the list.

Hot and humid with a touch of hurry up and wait.
Another day of life on the hard. Awaiting word from marina's yard and surveyor.

Shore Leave!
Finally made it into downtown Toronto

Shit just got real
Surveyor confirms appointment for 10am Monday!

A relaxing Sunday
A laid back Sunday with some chores and philosophizing

Deposits and handshakes given.
Makina passed today's survey with flying colors!

July to be officially named "Paperwork Month"
Paperwork duties.

Making Lists
Make lists, waiting for that email while digging down rabbit holes.

Survey says!
The surveyor's survey arrive in my inbox this morning!

Good progress for a long weekend.
Did not realize it was a long holiday weekend. Accomplished a respectable amount considering that fact.

Satisfyingly full day.
For a proclaimed holiday it was a full one!

It may be Sunday yet the project moves forward
It may be Sunday yet the project moves forward

Happy Canada Day and my first maintenance project on Makina.
Completed my first project on Makina on this lovely Canada Day.

Hitting the Bank...
Got payment all in place to go tomorrow using a Draft Cheque.

So you're the new owner? Now get to work!
Hardest workout to date here and its purchase day.

Off the block while searching for engine parts.
Got off the bluffs and into 'town'. The engine install is set for the coming Monday.

False start
Going to town for engine parts and returning with paint for the hull.

High Noon
In the heat of the day we silently come to terms.

A nice Sunday relax.
Really laid back today.

Wil the Welder pushes back delivery
Wil the Welder remembers he has a doctor's appointment.

Waitin' on Wil the Welder
The install gets moved out another day.

Called on account of rain.
It seemed a very busy day considering nothing much was accomplished.

The new engine is now mounted!
The most important stage of the engine installation is complete with here on her mounts.

Shopping with Jose and other supply related activities.
A very active, and one might say, productive day in the Nova Scotia Passage project.

Had to let that sweet sweet water real estate go...
The lovely slip space that came up is only available for the full season ending October.

The former owner comes to help out.
This complete purchase has been more like an adoption. Chris has been so helpful!

Yesterday's log
Passed out watching YouTube and did not post yesterday's log.

Shore leave.
Headed downtown for some recon and some gauche tourist-ing

Log is back in sync
Finally have the log postings in time sync and no longer a day behind

When dreams become real.
Had my first sailing instructions with Jason and my crewmate Anne this evening!

If weather could be reserved, then this is it.
A wonderful day of sailing. From morning until early evening. Lots of instructions!

A confidence building weekend
A blissful instructional weekend comes to a end.

Saying adieu to Brigit
With my instructional sailing weekend over it's back to Scarborough and Makina@novacadian/saying-adieu-to-brigit

Does this sound like a day of rest
Although this was earmarked as a rest up day a lot of organizing seemed to have been done.

Snow day at Radio School!
After pacing my day to be at home for the start of the radio class; it's all for naught.

Busy day up the Bluffs
Headed into what is consider 'town' to me. Which is anywhere up the bluffs.

Feeding papers to my lawyer
This house closing has been a challenge due to the remote aspect of it.

Study Day
Completed about 50% of the PCOC Modules; passing them the first time tested.

Legal to operate
Passed Transport Canada's PCOC exam. This is like a driver's license for pleasure crafts on the water.

Like a first cry of a new born baby.
My new Beta Marine diesel engine is turned over and started for the first time.

Critical arteries attached. The patient survives!
Jose and Jr. started connecting up all the hoses, throttle cables and fuel and water filters.

A productively long day
With the engine purring like a kitten and the end of the Radio course this day was full.

A day of resting up.
Feeling tired today. It has been hectic and heat draining this week.

Chris moves the needle on getting ready.
The previous owner of Makina came by to help me with a number of two person projects.

Don't want to jynx anything with this news off the press...
Finally found an insurance company who sent me a quote after filling out their application.

Launch day finally arrives. The water feels very different than the hard. In a nice way.

A trip to the city
With the quest of getting the needed nautical charts for the passage headed into downtown TO.

The countdown really feels to begin.
Major hurdles delaying departure are overcome, like insurance for one.

The calm before the storm
Had a nice relaxing Saturday in preparation for things to start to get busy tomorrow.

Pre-sail preparations
Fully supplied with food supplies as well as galley implements. Only an impeller away from ready.

Jason assistance is making all the difference
Jose is inserting a new heart in Makina's engine compartment; Jason prepares us for passage.

Sea Trial!
A milestone was reach as we take Makina out for a small sea.

Today the passage begins
The passage begins with a 12 hour sea trial.

On route to Kingston
Had a wonderful day with much of it without the engine.

The first lag is over.
It's a small percentage of The Passage but we made Kingston.

Re-adjustment Day.
With my first crew's departure it seemed a good day to regroup and look forward to the next leg of the passage

Resti<ng up while prepping for tomorrow
The drain & strain of the adventure has caught up to me. Took the last few days to eat & rest.

Pierre lends a hand
Pierre, a friend of Ann's, was a big help today.

Settling in to living aboard.
It seems one is in action constantly with boat life. It's without schedules and in ones own time though.

Working on the night shift
This strong moon (and Operation Drill-Pump has put me on the night shift

A trip into Kingston
Laundry, a trip to the doctor and a free meal with James.

Another trip to Kingston
Wanting to avoid any stress with payment for my sold property made a visit to the bank to get the skinny on transfers.

A nice sail on James' vessel
Although hungover, James and Pierre made the extra drive to my marina to take me sailing.

A relaxing Sunday
Lots of snacking. Some napping. Hey, it's Sunday!

Lost in the burbs.
Nothing much stuck to get done today, yet tomorrow could be a full roster.

May the circle be unbroken
Finally did the bus tour in and out of the city without a hitch.

Sails are back on board
A very busy day between dealing with Roger, my Lawyer and running a printer operation.

The downtown triathlon chore day.
Edibles, Staples and Nice Lunch. The triathlon of downtown chores.

Ship shape at last
The sea trail exposed a rash of needed project yet we seem ship shape again at last.



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