Chris moves the needle on getting ready.

Even after all those siestas yesterday, still had a nice sleep which lasted until early dawn. Hit the showers then back to the boat for some internet-ting. My lawyer sent an email confirmation that he got our signed acceptance of the purchase agreement off to the corporate buyers. Did some research on trailing winches and other items that are still being deliberated to get for the boat. Such additions are being rated by me on a priority bases.

  • My number one item on the wish list is radar. On the east coast this is all the more important in my opinion. Since my days of sailing perhaps it is slightly less of an issue with many vessels now having AIS and DSC capabilities; yet not all do and it is the ones that don't which you want to be able to see in the soupy fog.

  • My second item on the wish list is an electric anchor winch. Although this was not a great problem during our anchorage practices during the instructional weekend, the old body is not what it used to be so it would be a drag to strain my back in any way.

  • My third item on the wish list are trailing winches. They are a new technologies than from my day of being an active sailor. They allow you to lock the sheet in the winch so that you can let out and tighten in without the need to pull on the sheet yourself. The winch takes all the strain.

Around 9:00 Chris, the previous owner, texted me to say his ETA would be about 11:30. It may seem odd yet it felt like there was a need to clear my head before Chris' arrival. After gobbling an indica chocolate Shrouds of the Avatar was booted up to mindlessly slaughter some kobolds and slimes; while trying to find my way out of the mine that has me turned around in the game. Fifteen minutes or so before Chris' ETA, and an hour and a half of Kobold slaughter, left the game with still being lost in the game's mine.


Chris pulled up shortly after that. He took things above and beyond today. First we started in on the bilge pump. Something was amiss in that we could not get the automatic float switch to turn on the pump. Manually switching it on worked fine. It was decided Chris would have to research things a little more to see what may be causing this issue and perhaps jury rig another switch if needed for a temp fix until either Kingston or Halifax.

We then turned our attention to the water pump. That's the pump that brings the water up from the tank. Again the gremlins were amok and we could not get it to draw the water up even though it seemed to be running perfectly. We checked for air leaks to no avail. Chris wondered if the pump which was being replaced may be working after all. It had been showing the same symptoms before replacement. Another work at home project for Chris. He wanted to check if it would pump any water at all to know if the pump is fine and that there may be something else causing the problems; like something plugging the flow in one of the hoses.


We then moved on to the lifelines and that went fairly smoothly except for two sheets that are required to tie them off to the bow pulpit. Again it is something he will dig up at home; although all the fastening of the lifelines to the boat are done other than at the pulpit.


My favorite accomplishment of the day was putting the Bimini up. This will be great on the sun drenched days (which today was not thankfully) and allow me to sit in the cockpit's breeze while being shaded from the sun.



Chris offered to return on Monday to finish things up. That sounded great as Jose should be back in the engine compartment come Tuesday.

Chris is amazing. Made him the offer that if Makina makes it to the Caribbean that he and his wife would be welcome to come down and put me in a cabana somewhere and take Makina out for a couple of weeks on their own. It would be a great pay back for all he has done for me since the sale. Something, it must be stressed, he is not obligated to do.

We talked about a quick fix for the head (toilet) and there seems to be a plan forming. More on that as next week progresses.

Expecting it to be a fairly uneventful evening, so shall post the log for today.

May the wind be at your back!

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