Snow day at Radio School!

Don't think it has been mentioned that there is a fairly large colony of racoons around the Marina. The other night just a flap was lowered from the hatch instead of really locking things down.


Good for flies attracted to the light yet easy pick-ins for a racoon thief.


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They were through that flap in a New York minute and had my loaf of bread to feast upon in the cockpit. They left behind some past their prime bananas. This made me wonder if they were too full after feasting on a loaf of bread or did they not like bananas. So last night the bananas were left outside and the companionway was fully secured.

They are nocturnal creatures. At the crack of dawn a noise of something walking about on deck woke me. Laying and listening it was most likely my little thieving friend back for more. After getting up later a neat pile of banana skins were found piled neatly in the outside cockpit. They loved the snack! And such good manners!

Had more organizing to take care of so turned first to my lawyer's requests and after having a shower dropped into the Marina's office where they scanned my passport picture page and driver's license. Both scans were emailed to my lawyer with my Daughter's preferred email and mobile contacts as he requested.

By mid-morning rain showers began. My thought was to try to some online research on where to find USCG approved Personal Floatation Devices (life jackets) and Visual Distress Signals (flares, etc.). It looks like the Rigging Shoppe, which was visited with Chris a week or so ago, can fit me out with those items.


They have some personal apparel like wet gear that may be good to get as well.

There will also be basic tool sets needed. Hoping Canadian Tire might fill those needs. Note to self: Remember to get some plumber's tape to put on the keel plug before launch.

Just a little past noon there was the pleasant surprise of Jason, the sailing instructor, calling. We had a great chat about passage preparation as well as dates where he and his partner might be able to join me for a vacation/instructional weekend. Made the offer that she can act as official galley chef so that we can have totally vegan cuisine over the weekend. The galley budget to be covered by the boat's kitty.

The working plan is to work our way towards Kingston ON, which should be in the direction of my passage to Halifax. It will be a wonderful opportunity to test and inspect all equipment on deck. Alterations can then be made at Kingston if required. Sort of a sea trial, though there is still the plan to have Hugh, the surveyor, back for a proper sea trial as well; one focusing primarily on the new diesel.

Once my Daughter showed up online, we had a chat and she got me more details from the house insurance policy on who and how to contact our house insurance team. My Daughter really helped getting the number that lead me to Chantel, who will be sending me information in an email regarding the details that a marine policy underwriter will want. My guess is a boat survey and my sailing CV. One down and working on the other.

By mid-afternoon the sun was trying to peek through and the heavy rains had stopped. Thought to head up the bluffs to some banking and resupplies at the dispensary. Tonight was the second class of the Radio course so there would not be a lot of time to visit the Rigging Shoppe. That could wait for tomorrow.

Got back with lots of time to spare and there was a reply from my lawyer regarding my scans of my passport and driver's license, asking if a signed and witnessed copy of the purchased agreement had been sent to who, it can only be assumed, he meant as the property manager of the corporation wanting my property.

So off the the Marina's office again. This time the guy on duty did a fabulous job of first printing out the 16 page document. We then signed it, he witnessing for me, and then he scanned it and sent it to my phone. It was amazing. It was like having my own office staff. This marina is pretty impressive in how they treat their clients. Top notch.

Sent that all off to my lawyer to ask if that would meet his needs and if he could clarify that he meant for me to send a copy of the scan to the property manager of the corporation. Not being the sharpest knife in the drawer it makes me wonder if instructions could have been made more clear. Anyhow it's hurry up and wait at this point. We should still have enough time to get this all straight before the end of the month. Note to self : Deep breaths. With each exhalation breath out the stress. Relax the shoulders.

There was not that much time to get a coffee ready, open the meeting app and get into the queue for the radio class. Then it was wait, and wait. Ten minutes before class time and still waiting. Top of the hour, which is class time, still waiting.

Responded to Hans' group email announcing the class, asking if the class was still scheduled for tonight. When other classmates got my reply they too chimed in and we at least knew that we were not alone in our wait and that it seemed to be Hans which was missing. Hope all is well with him and he simply forgot about it or is still deep into that afternoon siesta. Can't fault him for that!

My guess is we shall be getting an email to reschedule the class. Just hope it does not push the finish date out further than it is.

Feel a bit like a snow day when still a kid in school. More reading would be nice before the next class anyway. Going to do some mindless game play now. 🎮


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May the wind be at your back!

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