High Noon


Source : jedqsegovia.com

High Noon with Jose

Up bright and early. Showered and breakfasted on oatmeal. It was a lovely morning and relaxed in the cockpit having a read until Jose called to push back our 11am until noon. He dropped in as planned and we called Wil the Welder who said that he would be delivering the engine mount Monday afternoon. Jose and I thought we could then move on the installation on Tuesday.

After explaining the flop that the Rigging Shoppe had been for his needed engine parts, Jose said that we should first focus on mounting the engine properly and then once that was all connected to the shaft with everything in place then we could visit around town to pick up the needed parts to finish off the install.


Source : auctions.morphyauctions.com

What about da gaz?

This approach indicated that Jose and myself had reached another level in our relationship. He was reminding me of an old associate many years ago when spending a year in Montreal. The associate lived in the Townships south of Montreal. Sometimes our work would require he visit me in Montreal. When we would then have a haggle over the price of our transaction he would inevitably close in his classic Québécois accent, "But Danny! What about da gaz?!?"

My Brother, aka Fat Freddie, was fresh back from Amsterdam and nicknamed crazed after living there for some time. My friend in the Townships became known as "What about da gaz, Louie". A bit long for a nickname so it shortened over time to "Want about da gaz?" Anyway it may not have been clear by his name alone but Jose is from Venezuela with a strong Spanish accent. When we had gone off to pick up the steel he was having a bit of road rage on route and explained that he did not like getting pulled away from the job. Then he said it, "What about da gaz?". It was time to tame the tiger. It was explained to Jose that he should keep a track of his time as well as Jr., his assistance, and of course da gaz to be added to the original quote.

Today we have Jose suggesting that we run around together to get the needed parts. All that was needed was some respect for his time; and the additional costs of the gas of course.



Once Jose had taken off then caught the next bus up the bluff and got restocked in edibles as well as regular supplies from the No Frills grocery store. Having had meltdowns with the Indica Chocolate in the heat that one can get here in Upper Canada thought to try out these lozenges style edible. Each one 10MG. Will let you know after tomorrow morning's test. ;0

May the wind be at your back!

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