Shit just got real

Awoke at the crack of dawn and basked in it for a bit. Had a coffee while reading more of the books purchased yesterday. Headed up to the marina's facilities with the intent of taking a shower, but the mirror did not reflect a grungy old seakooky living on the hard want-to-be skipper but instead someone looking somewhat stylish.

You see it was not mentioned that one treat given myself, while visit downtown Toronto yesterday, was a trim of both the hair and goatee; which was starting to live too much up to its name. Especially the goat part. A barber sign with a ladies salon side by side caught my eye. Turned out the barber had come to Canada 6 years previously from Iran. He was surprised when told of my experiences of when working there as an English Teacher. He asked where and when told the address on Pahlavi Ave.; which is surely renamed by now; he softened up considerably and we had a nice discussion of his wonderful country and charming people. It was many years ago and there have been times to ask myself if they had somehow changed in that time. He reinforced my belief that it is not the peoples of Iran that has changed but the propaganda and economic siege they have been under for so many years now. The US can be spiteful and unforgiving. They cannot get over the taking of their embassy in Tehran. Then there's poor old Cuba still being blamed for daring to threaten homeland USA. Anyhoo... enough of the politics already!

Not meaning to brag but he's a damn good barber in my opinion. :)


So after a Liverpool Bath and filling up the water bottle, it was back to Makina and more reading, relaxing and napping in that comfy forward berth. Chris the owner had recently tailor cut and installed a memory foam mattress. Yummy!

The only thing that could drag me away from that was peckishness. Nothing a helping of portage, chocolate peanut butter cups and banana slices couldn't fix.

My regular readers might remember my ramblings about the relativity of time a few posts back. Well just noticed my two minute wait to micro instant coffee feels to be longer since those observations had been logged.

As it was the weekend, the bus service is running today, so it seemed perfect timing to head to the No Frills to stock up on supplies. This sailor's life is good exercise! The walking involved had to be the equivalent of 10-15 minutes on my stationary bike and with cans of soup and things like laundry detergent it felt as good as a set or two on the BowFlex.

Back onboard it was more reading interspersed with some internet check-ins, which included a nice chat with my son-in-common-law.

Then as evening began to set in Hugh, the surveyor, dropped me an email with a copy of our contract and an appointment for 10am on Monday if it was good for me. Hell ya! Things just got real. Contacted Chris, the owner, and he would be glad to drop around to be there in case we might have some questions that need clarification and the like.

My gut feeling is that church bells are in the air for me and Makina. :)

May the wind be at your back!

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