Things seem to be slowly coming together.

Early rise followed by a porridge and banana breakfast washed down with a strong coffee and a piece of chocolate indica. After checking google maps it looked like there was a Yacht Club just across the water.


See the grey building which is centered?

Decided to walk over as someone must know of a local sailing instructor there. The Boat Yard was on the way, so dropped in to see if they had a more exact forecast of when Makina's engine installation could be completed. They said the GM would in later today and may be able to schedule a date and that they would let me know.


Continued on to the yacht club. The place was gated, however a very helpful member stopped to answer a lot of my questions. He was knowledge-able about the trip down the St. Lawrence Seaway to Montreal, which we chatted about for a bit; offering some leads where an instructor might be had as well.

Made it back aboard before noon and replied to Jason, the instructor mentioned previously who was some distance away. He was a very friendly fellow and we had a nice voice chat. He, getting a feel of what type of instruction was needed and me looking for ways that this could work.

We both agreed that it would be beneficial if the instructions could be done on the Makina once she is splashed. My thought was to bring her to his area off Georgian Bay on Lake Ontario. He said that there were a lot of anchorages out that way. We also talked about the instructions beginning on the day Makina is splashed and that he sail with me the 200+km journey to his area where we can complete any additional instructions. This sounds the most sensible approach yet how patient one can be about it will be dependent on when the yard can see to me. Guess this is a mini-course of its own so as to garner the mariner's patience for good weather and needed spare parts. He is going to speak to his partner about potentially being away for a couple of days and will get back to me.

It was then time to contact Hugh, the surveyor. He said he would get a contract out to me via email as well as the contact for his wife's sailing instructor. It may be fun just to cover the basics in order to get out on the water. Lake Ontario is so attracting. It seems like the ocean it is so large to the eye. There was a mist that would be called fog down east. Must ask if they call it fog here on the lakes.

The afternoon cleared and the heat poured in. Had a nice nap till mid-afternoon. The cabin was a little warm so headed over to the Marina's facilities


Took a shower and had a nice early supper of fresh haddock. It was a surprise to find fresh haddock so far from the ocean. Once back aboard did some internet activity (loving my new hotspot) and chatted with my daughter back at home.

One thing that took me by surprise is that today is the one week anniversary of me leaving on the train from Halifax. If you had asked me to quickly guess how long a time had passed my answer might have been two weeks. Time is moving slower the less predictable my days have become which had been a premise motivating me on this journey.

We seem to be on course...

May the wind be at your back!

A chronological listing of my sailing posts:

3 columns
2 columns
1 column