Argentina - When the weather is not so good, the mountain decides the top: a visit to the near summit of Cerro 21 in Esquel. / Cuando el clima no es tan bueno, la montaña decide la cumbre: visita a la casi-cima del Cerro 21 en Esquel. 😃❤️
Although I enjoy the challenge of reaching some of the summits of the places I visit, I never forget that mountains are to be respected. Nature can be very beautiful, but if we don't move in it safely,
Deities and Beasts, meeting the Monsters that Inhabited Olympus /Deidades y Bestias, conociendo a los Monstruos que Habitaban el Olimpo.[Eng-Esp].
A huge greeting to everyone in this incredible #HiveGaming community. I hope you're all having a great day. Today, I bring you more of Kratos' adventures. This time, it will be a slightly different approach.