Called on account of rain.

Woke to a torrential rain. Real monsoon kind of downpour with some rumbling and lightning. Needless to say it did not take a phone call to confirm that work would be cancelled on the engine install for the day.


There was an email waiting from Jason, the sailing instructor. He finally came through with an offer for me to stay on his boat for the weekend with a small $20 daily charge to help with waist water discharge due to using the head. That sounded great to me. It is now just a case of how the Friday session of the Radio course can be handled. With my hotspot onboard his boat then that should give me access whatever the time of the class ends up being. Will know more of that once my text book for the course arrives.

Basked in the coziness of it all, now knowing that the running water sound in the engine compartment will work its way out of the bilge via the temporarily open keel plug. Did some curating on HIVE as well as exploring transportation to Jason's homebase of Meaford which is about 140kms from the Bluffer's Park Marina. Might have to do a little reconnaissance on the departure end so that getting away can be done without any hitches.

At about mid-morning the rain let up for a bit. Took the opportunity to head over to the Marina's facilities to freshen up and collect more water. Upon my return, and having just checked in with the weather network, who should call but Jose.

He said that today was a bust, which was totally expected, and that he thought tomorrow should be overcast so we could go ahead with the installation full steam ahead. Hope he's right.

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Did some actual game play of Shroud of the Avatar with close monitoring of the data usage and am very surprised how minimal it seems to be. After something like 45 minutes only 0.03GB was used. The gameplay involved a major game siege so lots of data to keep track of you would think. After coming out of the game there were some emails awaiting.

The first one was from Jason, the sailing instructor. He was proposing how the weekend sailing event should be worked out. He thought to have just a little touch base - get to know you kind of Friday evening. That would work out well with me for the Radio course.

He did mention that the hours of the weekend would be 8 hours a day. He said it was no matter as he was not a school and we would not be going for accreditation which would require 28 hours of instructions.

Accreditation is very important for me due to insurance issues and let him know in my reply email. If our instructions were not leading to further accreditation then for me that would be a deal breaker. It was added that the full 28 hours could be completed at another time or weekend so long as some accreditation resulted down the road.

The next email was from the Marina. They welcomed me yet laid it out clearly that owners are not permitted to stay aboard their vessels when on the hard. They then went on to ask what my "plans" were for the vessel and when we could be ready to launch.

My read was they wanted me out of the yard as quickly as possible due to not wanting a liveaboard on the hard. It did not sound like immediate eviction; but more of 'can you get that thing in the water please?'. They said they could then offer me a visitors slip to finish off any last minute details like rigging.

Replied to the manager's email explaining that we were a day or two away from finishing the engine install. Any of the other projects that had been in the back of my mind could wait or be completed while at the visitors' slip. No mention was made about staying on the boat; as it felt like they were saying we don't want you staying there; now could you get her launched please.

Finished the email by asking if my timeline would suite them. Hopefully it will. My feeling was that if they did not respond to the email by end of day that they excepted the terms yet did not want to put them to writing. It has just gone past 5pm, so my guess is they have made their reply. Now to get this baby launched by Monday! Shit is getting ever more real!

This is all particularly peculiar because of a fishing tournament over the last weekend. Fishermen brought their vans, camper trailers and boats on trailers for the weekend event. The Yard looked more like a campground than a boat yard. There are still some campers that look like they are getting ready for next weekend's fish off. Just kind of weird that the office suddenly has a beef with a boat owner sleeping aboard.

With all that taking place thought to call the insurance agent who has Chris' policy and left a voicemail. Heard nothing back at business day ending. Tomorrow may be time to call my home insurance agent in Halifax and see what they might be able to do for me.

It would suite me just fine to have Makina in the water if we also have an insurance policy so that she could be used. That would be worth postponing her belly painting and, technically, there may still be time to paint her before the splash.

Lots to consider and other things to wait and see how they unfold. It will be interesting to get Jose's take on this tomorrow.

Thought some supper may be in order so went over to the Pub and brought home one of their yummy pizzas.


It seemed a very busy day considering nothing much was accomplished. Hope it just means double will be accomplished tomorrow.

May the wind be at your back!

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