Like a first cry of a new born baby.

Up fairly early. Did some HIVE curation and other internet-ting. Then did a little more stowing of the gear stored in the shelter of Makina's hull. Still keeping an eye out for the bilge pump, which must be somewhere on board by the looks of things. Having a few coffees along the way and anxiously awaiting Jose. At about 9:00 Jose's van came into the yard and kept on driving.

A little later he called explaining that he needed to finish something off up the other end of the yard and would drop around a little later in the morning. That turned into early afternoon. Time while waiting was spent reading the text for the Radio course; which we shall have the last class this Wednesday.

When Jose and Jr. did arrive they were right down to business.


Jose was please with me finding the throttle connectors yet as he dug deeper, in the box they were found, he found copies all the same parts which had recently been delivered from BC! This whole delay, since last week, had been my oversight. Swallowed that pill and the berating from Jose.

As the afternoon went on the engine passed the test of being turned over and ran for about 10 second before turning it off.

Due to the scorched heat of the day we all decided that would be a great place to call it a day and to finish things up tomorrow. Every one was zapped out from there heat and happy to hit the road.

Jose in his van...


And Jr. on his electric scooter...


There had been a text from Chris, the previous owner, suggesting coming by Tues or Weds to install the bilge pump with me. Replied to him explaining the state of the engine install and suggested Weds may be better for us so as to not be walking on each other's toes while Jose was still doing the install. Hope it will be finished up tomorrow; yet am now used to the fact that there may always be some kind of delay to expect whether self imposed or not.

Things are moving ahead though. Just hearing the engine start up seemed like a very important mile stone. Must have a contest to name Makina's new beating heart.

May the wind be at your back!

A chronological listing of my sailing posts:

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2 columns
1 column