Hitting the Bank...

Up after sunrise. Sink splash and maple and brown sugar porridge with sliced banana for breakfast. Waited for the bus yet it appears it was not running; at least so early in the day; so caught a cab to the TD bank. There was a huge line due to the long weekend. It was eventually my turn and the only transfer of payment they could offer me was a bank draft in Chris' name. Texted Chris about it and headed further down Kingston Rd. to get resupplied with some edibles. Found a shop that had some pretty unique products.

For starters nothing says medicinal quite like a gelatin-ish 5MG THC Unit with 0.1MG of CBD to chill the ride.


Then there were all the other usual suspects...


Except for this little fellow who has been set aside for morning testing...


You can administer drops in drinks or straight down the hatch. Each drop is approximately 1MG the guys at the store said, yet the label is not giving me the same stats. Guess we will have to judge that tomorrow morning. ;)

Took a taxi back to the Marina after procuring supplies.

Checked my phone after arriving and a message from Chris was waiting. He said that he and his wife were going to be, somewhat, nearby tomorrow and would drop in for the cheque. It will be a good chance to get a receipt should, heaven forbid, something happen to Chris.
My guess is that we have to submit something to Transport Canada, as well, declaring the change of ownership.

Sent an email off to the folks running the Maritime Radio with DSC - VIRTUAL CLASSROOM course asking if the shipping address can be changed from my home address when the text for the course is purchased. The course is not listed as starting until July 17th, so we should have enough time to get that prepared. Looking forward to getting some courses started. Hope maybe the weekend may be freed up to take up Jeff's offer of introduction sailing accreditation this weekend with another of his students.

Oh almost forgot... called Jose, the mechanic and left a voice mail suggesting that perhaps the best way to get the needed list of parts to me would be through email. If he cannot answer tomorrow then will try texting him my email and see what happens.

It is hard to believe how fortunate my purchase of the ETH, which paid for Makina, was four years ago. In that time it has 10x'ed. So the cost of the boat, to me, is like a $3600 investment four years ago. Not even an investment really. More a disappointed reaction to the HIVE/STEEM fork started it. All my STEEM/HIVE Dolphin stake was transferred to ETH. My intention was to see if they handled staking any better. Bought some additional ETH as there was a minimum one needed to start staking prior to the fork. Great ROI .

May the wind be at your back!

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