So you're the new owner? Now get to work!

Passed out before sunset last night after another double piece fresh and fried haddock supper at the Marina's Pub. Puts me out every time! Awoke at 2am feeling kind of confused. In the dream someone had put out a hit on me but an old friend gave me a 24 hour heads up. Go figure! Must call him up to thank him. :)

Eventually returned to the bunk with nothing on the internet to keep my interests. Woke up at about 7am. Hit the showers preparing for lots of visitors today. Well Chris, the former owner, and his wife would be by for the final payment on Makina. My other visitor was to be Jose, the mechanic. We planned to make up a list of needed parts, over the phone, after posting yesterday's blog. Chris might be able to help through the week, but there is a temptation to strike out tomorrow on my own to at least check out the place they call the Riggering Shoppe. It's my understanding it's a bit of a legend.

Did some tidying and cleaning to put my best foot forward. Dumped the garbage and recyclables that are normally stored over the engine compartment's hatch. Ready for inspection!

The first to get here was Jose and Jr.. Guess you could call me the second helper and note taker. A lot of climbing in and out of the cabin with the ladder moved to have access to the engine compartment. A real gymnast's kind of work out. Feelin it now at the end of the day. Jose got things moulded to a plan. Required parts noted, lengths and gauge notated.

Towards the end if Jose's visit Chris arrived. He did not have a lot of time to spare but indulged me in a selfie with him...


Grabbed a ride from Jose to my bank to give him the downstroke on getting the project fully under way. Got dropped off at the top of the Bluffs (hence Bluffer's Park) and took a leisurely walk back to the Marina, taking a lovely pizza home from the Pub


Between Chris and Jose and the engine parts, this old rusty seadog was spending money like a drunken sailor while being sober as a judge... well if you consider that other stuff medicinal. It does make me feel better. Honest engine! ;)

But things are still under budget which was originally 7.86163522 ETH or $40kCAD in fiat. So Brrrrr! Number go up!

May the wind be at your back!

A chronological listing of my sailing posts:

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