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Early to bed early to rise. Over coffees pushed through more of the PCOC course. It is much more extensive than originally expected. Feeling a little stress about the end of the month's approach and my assurance the Mooring Manager of my launch before the month's change. This morning when thinking about starting to store the things accumulating in the shelter of Makina's hull the boom flashed before my eyes. Another pair of hands will be required to even stow that on deck for the launch. Perhaps Jose will be able to recommend someone that can help with those final preparations.


Did some stowing. The head had become a storage area due to it not being used at the moment.


Cleared it out and in the process may have found a necessary piece of the throttle and gear assembly which Jose had been requesting. We shall see tomorrow. Note to self : Take a deep breath and on the exhale let go of any stress or tension which you may feel


Didn't mention it but yesterday at the dispensary they were out of my indica chocolates. There's another mule kickin' in my stall. A substitute was suggested and excepted. Sometimes just changing things around is enough, but whatever the reason, this morning's edible seems to have really lifted things off. This cabin is getting organized. High and productive is one of my favorite places to be. Programming used to be that to me.

By mid-morning all this stowing had made me peckish. Another serving of my brown sugar and maple oatmeal with sliced bananas was belly stowed. Take that cholesterol! Set out with the intention to wrap up another module of the PCOC course and that was achieved! It is official that Transport Canada now deems me accredited enough to operate a pleasure craft in Canadian Waters!


This means that once launched there is nothing stopping me from sailing Makina. Insurance is not required like motor vehicles yet helps getting marina access and my guess is they will want it to pass through the locks down the Saint Lawrence Seaway. With the PCOC insurance should be a given now too.

The liberated feeling is intense. This has been long in the making. Now to get the old gal splashed!

May the wind be at your back!

A chronological listing of my sailing posts: