Yesterday's log

Up and at it around 7am. Headed out for a shower at the Marina's facilities. Returned home to coffee and some internet-ting. Jose called a little before 9. Glad to hear from him. He got caught out in a heavy squall last night on his boat and they had to cut loose of the anchor; although saving it by attaching another rope to it before cutting away from the chain.

When he arrived we went over our spare parts list again. He was very happy that the throttle levers had been found yesterday. He headed out but put me on the case to order some things from Beta Marine; the manufacturers of the engine. It took a couple of calls to nail down exactly what Jose wanted yet think we have it now and asked them to put a rush on the delivery.

Also made a number of calls trying to track down my home insurance policy. This took numerous calls to the Credit Union as well as false calls to the wrong insurance company, yet finally found the right people and they are going to get back to me when the marine agent is free. It would be sweet if we can simply put a policy on this old girl without too much beating round the bush.

Had a nice online chat with my Daughter who said they are suffering from the same extreme heat we had yesterday. Just about all the weather on the east coast works its way down from Upper Canada. Told them to expect rain showers tomorrow. :)

All that phone work tired me out so had myself a well deserved siesta which lasted until about 4pm. Went over to the Marina's canteen and ordered some, you guessed it, fish and chips. Brought it back to the boat as it started raining. It had a pretty good downpour for more than an hour, during which time did some internet-ting and catching up with the news.

In the evening enjoyed some time out in the cockpit once the sky had cleared.

When the sun went down came in and caught up on some youtube channels until that one came on lulled me to sleep and did not get to post Moonday's log until now.

May the wind be at your back!

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