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Re-adjustment Day.

Today's postings is being written much earlier in the day than normal. It is not even noon. In this post my thought is to speak of an aspect of a cruising vessel and parting with crew and the bonds that come build in the process of sharing passage.

This morning Jason and Lori said goodbye. Well we actually said, "Till when we meet again." It's my hope there will be that again with us.


What can be said about Jason. It is unlikely that Makina would have made it to Kingston in such order without his help and instructions. He is a talented teacher that simply never stops. Even shopping with Jason was not only a work out, but and exhausting one. The way he tailored the Keelboat Sailing course to meet my needs was a testament to his instructional skills. There is an exam that can be written at the amount of instructional hours now logged, yet regardless of any accreditation and perhaps insurance premium reductions they are skills and knowledge that can make all the difference when out upon the toss.

Lori was a great pleasure to have along on the Kinston Passage. Not only was she a star in the galley but a great help on deck and good company. They will both hold a special place in this adventure. Not only as new friends but also Makina's first crew. Watching them getting ready to depart sent a twinge to the heart.


Yet the show must go one. At 9:00 took a walk to the Marina's office to settle up with Kim who had spoken with me on the phone yesterday afternoon. She was just finishing for the say yet took credit card info and assigned me a slip. Their scale working out to be about the same price for a week as it would be for 5 days paying the daily charge. Five days here will bring me to next Tuesday, so went for the week. My guess is that there will be enough project on Makina to keep me here for a week.

Although the Kinston Sail loft is open on Saturday morning my call went to voicemail explaining that they were busy. Left my info for a call back, explaining my situation with my sails, yet my feeling is that they will call on Monday.

There is a lot churning in the mind now out from under Jason's wing, so my feeling is that this will be a nice day to mentally regroup, make my lists for the coming week. It would be nice to make it through the locks to Montreal in the next couple of weeks. The best case scenario would seem me in Halifax in early September by my reconning.

The weather is a bit inclement with occasional showers after a decent blow last night. A perfect day to do some gaming and clear the head. The one between my shoulders not that other one. 😎



May the wind be at your back!

A chronological listing of my sailing posts: