Survey says!

Awoke early but rolled over, as it seemed chilly outside the comfy sleeping bag. Had the old wake up nap and rolled out maybe an hour or two later. After grabbing a shower and some oatmeal with sliced banana, checked on emails over a steaming mug.

Hugh had sent the invoice for the survey the previous evening. Sent off his payment and he must have been up at about the same time because a copy of the survey followed shortly thereafter.

If he had not already impressed me on the ground as he inspected Makina, he floored me with the informed explanations of countless boat observations with detailed photo coverage to back up most claims. Countless photos were used and literally hundreds taken. Of course a new list was started immediately; not to throw out nor amalgamate any other lists but one dedicated to Makina alone, in relation to her report card.


Thinking more to paint Makina's bottom as my first ownership maintenance project. Seems like a good chance while she is on the hard and the instructions keep me at this location. Pretty non-critical skill level required. That taping a straight water line might have some cussin' involved.

Hugh also asked if he could drop round to get an overlooked photo of the power converter and he would then send and updated survey report. My suggestion was for me to take the pic and save him a trip. He explained where it was in the engine compartment. After some more internet activity the engine compartment was opened up and my idea was to use a spread shot approach of taking enough pics that the power converter was bound to be in them. Of the four taken it was evidently missed again when texted to Hugh. Assuring that it would be attempted again after his more exact directions. A little embarrassing but, heh, know what the power converter is now.

Went to the 'fried food' joint up at Marina's Town Square. It was the same great haddock that they have at the pub and restaurant as well. So lovely and filling that some was brought back to the Makina for a micro snack for later on. Once back aboard returned to internet researching.

There is a group on FaceBook where one can offer oneself or look for crew members. Found a retired seadog like myself. We had a nice DM chat. He is well qualified and appears to be a nice fellow at first glance. We thought we could arrange some skype-like connections and as he is in Ottawa, which is also in Ontario, perhaps a face to face meetup could be arranged. That would certainly take the pressure off of sailing back east solo. The company would be welcome, not to mentioned another pair of hands to help with the passage.


So far his CV read, "I'm working on VHF radio and RYA Day Skipper theory with the intention of completing the Day Skipper practical sometime this year in pursuit of ICC certification and maybe buying my own boat." We seem to be on the same page with our sailing pursuits.

Was able to connect with the home base. My daughter and son-in-common-law are doing well. Gave the news of the good survey report to them. Even the estimated value was spot on! Next hurdle the insurance and then it will be clear sailing.

May the wind be at your back!

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