Making Lists

It was probably not mentioned, but arriving in Scarborough has turned me into a List Crazed Project Manager. Yes a clip board was actually brought along in the journey from Nova Scotia.


Lists could be done on the phone and/or tablet, but its harder to doodle for starters. Two new items made the list, a bucket and scrub brush to start giving the hull a wash down. Makina would then be ready to throw some paint on her if that window remains open before splashing her.

Turned then to emails. My lawyer had been in touch asking if there was any word about my counter offer to a corporation who is interested in my property in Halifax. My guess is that they are waiting until their original offer expires on June 27th before replying to my counter through email. My lawyer had not known of my interest in sailing, until mentioning what brought me to Ontario during our correspondence. Turns out he is a Chester Yacht Club member. It is a nice club about 30 miles south of Halifax. The famous Marblehead Race, from the US, terminates there if memory serves. It expanded my horizons as my mind had been so fixed on clubs local to Halifax because of my history of sailing out of there. Chester would make a wonderful summer base.

All that desk work makes one peckish, so headed to the Marina's Pub and had their delicious fresh battered haddock. This had been a once a week treat in Halifax. The pirate is coming out in me it seems.

Post dinner had me diving into a very deep rabbit hole, after discovering the following Canadian Government Marine site:

The type of publications on the site are known as Sailing Directions. the are meant as supplementals to particular charts and humanize the place somewhat with even aerial photographs in some cases. It is what old seadogs see when they look at charts that to landlubbers are just numbers and colored dots.


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A text came in from Hugh asking for one last picture of the engine's power converter to finish off his report; which had been overlooked. He gave the directions where to find it and there were enough pictures taken to, hopefully, hit it with blanket shot.


Then touched base back on the home front. Gave my daughter the news that my lawyer said we should be able to close on the property sale remotely providing there is a fax and scanner on my end. That certainly takes the pressure off the summer. It was always in the back of my mind that urgency could require me flying there and back again. It's not because fear of flying. Think my flying log is something like 36 hours on a single engine. Getting right up to solo time when my life took a right hand turn. But that's another story for another time.


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Anyway had a nice chat with both my Daughter and Son-in-common-law. The internet has kept them close.

Not gusty and perhaps some doldrums in the day, yet it seems another pause has arrived to hurry up and wait for a bit. Waiting for the energy to bring things together. Waiting on how the insurance will roll. It would be more than satisfactory to at least get coverage while Makina is on the hard. Then the accreditations can be worked on in an uninterrupted way over the summer.

It could well be a bigger adventure than imagined when starting down this road. Looking forward to its unfolding. Sailing on with grateful feelings.

May the wind be at your back!

A chronological listing of my sailing posts:

3 columns
2 columns
1 column