Don't want to jynx anything with this news off the press...

Today had some great advancements with the paperwork. Slept in relatively speaking until about 8:30. No washing up as expected it to be another sweaty engine compartment day. Time marched on however. In the meantime had some text chatting with Ann, my fellow sailing student, and Jason, our instructor. Ann pointed me towards her insurer. Considering she is a total sailing novice, other than our weekend of instruction with Jason, thought why not. Maybe its a size of the vessel issue.

Went to their site and made the online application for a quote. With a few clarification questions through email a quote was sent back to me for sailing anywhere in NA above the 40th parallel. BINGO!

It appears that the agent who presently has the policy from the previous owner was just giving me the run around. First saying that there were issues of them needing an underwriter from the east coast and then long after submitting my application saying the next time that my 4 years experience was not enough that their policy required 5. Funny that would not have been mentioned when the application was first submitted instead of weeks later. The only thing that comes to mind is that her Ex was a Nova Scotian and she is still heavily scarred.

Anyway cross your toes and blow your nose there seems like no stopping us now. Please disregard that last remark. Don't want to jynx things but it has me buzzing with excitement!

Mid-morning a call came in from my Lawyer. It seems we had gone through that long and convoluted episode of signing the Purchase Agreement only to find out it was the previous offer which expired the end of July. This was a bit disappointing but not much could tamper the insurance quote buzz. Could not find the Agreement in my old emails so dropped him an email asking that he send a copy of the correct one to me. Then it dawned on me that last time we had gone through this whole WhatsApp thing where he watched me signing it so he could witness it yet no mention of it this time. So asked him about that in the email as well. 🧐

Noon and still no Jose. Gave a call yet it went to voicemail. This has happened in the past with him on other emergency jobs and unable to take the call.

Went to the office and they printed out the needed paperwork from the new insurance company for me. They should be charging me the price of a ink cartridge any time. 😜


By mid-afternoon and with still no answer from Jose it was beginning to get concerning. Thought it best to get towed to the slip in case there was something that needed a last minute adjustment and could mean loss of control. In fact the present insurance company would probably not want me captaining the vessel at all. It was an expense but could literally save the family property asset should liability for something fall to me.

The plan had been to ask Jose for a wrap of his plumber's tape to put on the keel plug screw. Chris had forgotten to leave some behind in his last visit so it was down to me. Up the bluffs and off to Canadian Tire on a Toronto Transit adventure.

It turned out that the Canadian Tire was just a little further on than the Staples visited last week in the Purchase Agreement madness with my lawyer. My feeling is to go there again tomorrow after the launch to get the paperwork for both my lawyer and the insurance company done. The Marina staff have gone above and beyond and it would be embarrassing to ask them to do it all over again.

Got the plumber's tape, hit the dispensary and then back to the Marina.


After having some supper started to load up most of the things that were still stored on the ground sheltered by the hull. We can carry over the boom to her new slip on Chris' next visit. Might try surprising him by having Jr. help me tomorrow.

Oh yeah Jose called after my supper and said he had been gravely ill with his stomach and even had to see a doctor about some details of which shall not be gone into for reasons of privacy. The trooper that he is, he is coming over tomorrow afternoon after launch. It turned out that he would rather it be towed at present for a reason we did not go into. He offered to have me delay the launch so that it could be motored to the slip, yet as mentioned my mind was already set and the towing charges paid.

The sails and all other gear are now on board. Have to go down now while still some light to grab the can of paint for the hull that never got painted and the wind generator.


May the wind be at your back!

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