A nice sail on James' vessel

Woke to the 4:49 alarm for medication. Penicillin runs are harsh. Mine is every six hours so you end up being awaken somewhere in that process. Old readers will know that an infection started around my belly button. It freaked me out before consulting a doctor. Thought my body had sprung a leak.

Rolled over and got up for a coffee a few hours later. Headed up to the marina's facilities for a sink splash and clean cloths having just picked up my clean laundry yesterday.

Back on board to do more internet-ting. That included setting up KeyChain at long last. Also did some tidying and stowing. Found a place for the tools.


Soon after a text arrived from Pierre who said that he and James were dropping round.

They arrived shorty after that...


They both were in a bit of a state from the night before. Lori had left some nice red wine behind so James gladly went for a glass or two of that finishing off what was left of the bottle. We chatted for some time and then thought that a sail would be a nice way to get the cobwebs out of their minds. As my sails are still in the shop we decided to take James' vessel out from his dock in the Kingston Marina.

It was a nice day with good winds.


James had brought a slushy on board with him and a wasp had worked its way into his straw when the drink was sat down. The next time he took a drink through the straw the wasp exited into his mouth and stung his tongue. This was likely turning into one of the worst hangovers he ever had. We were able to get a few hours from James before he could take no more and turned our backs to the wind and headed homeward.


Twenty or so minutes later had us docking at his slip.


It was great getting out for a sail today and very kind of Pierre to include me.

We had a nice chat on the way back to my marina and things seem to be shaping up to convoy down to Montreal with James accompanied by Pierre on the Makina.


Source : peakpx.com

We have to find James another crew or else he may be left with his 14 year old son.

We shall have to see what the gods have in mind. In the meantime...

May the wind be at your back!

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