When dreams become real.

Awoke from a fairly comfortable sleep. It seemed cooler than back a Bluffer's Park. Some of that may have been being on the actual water but for this time of the summer it was cooler and more comfortable during the day. The codes for the showers that Jason supplied did not seem to work for me. Those code locks sometimes have idiosyncrasies for opening so let's hold the verdict on that one for now.


The water tank supplied water onboard for washing, so it was sink splash day until the facility codes can be figured out. After a sink splash and a clean t-shirt headed back into town to try one of those yummy bacon and Swiss chess on a croissants with a nice blend of black coffee.


When my server was asked about a grocery store within walking distance they explained it was not really easy walking distance. They did point me at a convieniance store which was just down the block. Stocked up on high protein and energy bars along with some cookies and brownies which claimed 20mg of protein per cookie/brownie. Cooking suddenly did not seem so critical.

Headed back to Brigit (the name of Jason's boat) and finished off an online course which Jason had directed me to primarily concerning roght of way when on the high seas. Scored well in the pre-final testing. All that studying made me a little snoozy and it wasn't long that the lapping of the waves against the hull had me sleeping like a baby. These siestas are becoming daily practise it seems.

Woke up about mid-afternoon and did more of an entertaining internet-ting by joining and reading through a lot of a forum called Cruisers Forum. At about 16:30 started to get texts from Jason that both he and Anne were moving towards the marina. By a little after 17:00 they both arrived.


Jason did the tour of the boat for Anne while he had me complete all the paperwork required; something Anne had already done for him. There were wavers to keep him off the hook, contact info, who to contact in case of emergency, health issues if any and so on.

With that out of the way both Anne and Jason were reminded that it will probably be a full moon tonight and with the nice gentle breeze it may well be the perfect night to experience night sailing. It did not take too much arm twisting to have Jason agreeing to take us out for a 3 hour class!


When told to take the tiller and prepare to take Brigit out of the slip it surprised me, yet also felt up for the challenge. It is my pleasure to announce that Brigit made it out of the marina without a scrape or a bump. We were on the toss with me at the helm!


As the sun was setting the moon began to come into its own...


Jason walked me through all the points of the wind and Anne all about the sheets as we came about, jibbed, ran with the wind and practised all points of the wind with the sails. As night started falling Anne and myself changed posts and Anne brought Brigit back to port under breathtaking moonlight...


Anne brought Brigit into the slip like a pro! It seemed the most perfect of first lessons that anyone could imagine. Both Anne and myself were pumped and even Jason seemed to have a pleased look on his face as we exchanged good nights on the dock. This dream has just became much more real with me at the helm while plying the legendary waters of Georgian Bay!

May the wind be at your back!

A chronological listing of my sailing posts:

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