Critical arteries attached. The patient survives!

Had a very nice sleep awakening at seven-ish. Took a shower and was back on board studying for the Radio course before it was even 9:00. Got a bit concerned at 10:00 when Jose had still not arrived. More concerned when my call to him went to voicemail. The barometer was dropping and weather reports were warning of another major rainstorm.


Decided to head up the bluffs to get some cooking items and of course a quick stop at the dispensary for more edibles.

How could EggMart be resisted? Tried to order something no quite so filling. Got two slices of French toast with four sausages on the side. Very tasty all in all but still stuffed when rolling out the door. While at the restaurant Jose called. He said he had been in the Yard since 7:00 working on a concurrent job and said he would be over to start into our project at about 13:00.

Made a stop at the Dollar Tree and got some microwave-able containers that my microwave rice dishes can be cook in. Uncle Ben's for tonight's gourmet!


Jose and Jr. landed in the early afternoon. Important arteries were connected and it began to look more like a functioning engine.


It was like being in an oven but those boys kept installing hoses, running throttle cables and fuel line and cooling water filter.


Seeing the original throttle and gear shift installed instead of the beta marine module, designed for that engine, was a nice feeling. Sort of like finding that special chrome piece hood ornament for a car one is restoring. They are the levers on either side of the compass in the pic below. The throttle and gears (forward/backward).


Today may very well be a two shower kind of day. Will chill under the forward cabin's fans and think on that while YouTubing.

May the wind be at your back!

A chronological listing of my sailing posts:

3 columns
2 columns
1 column