Good progress for a long weekend.

Up at the crack of dawn, and no wonder as bed time was fairly early evening which had been intended as a nap. Of course did not get Hugh's pics taken. Thinking there's no great rush, having the Survey of Mikina v. 1.0 already, the chore was added to today's TODO list. Headed up to the Marina's facilities and went for a Liverpool bath, due to it being a sweater-ware kind of a morning and then back onboard for portage, sliced bananas AND blueberries for breakfast.

After my bait and switch sunset for a sunrise cheat from the previous posting it seemed fair to document this morning's sunrise better.

First there's the cracking...


And then comes the breaking of dawn...


Thought it best to give the mechanic, Jose, a call today as he had suggested. He said once the ownership has been transferred then to give him a call next week to get the list of needed parts to finish off the engine install. Me doing that footwork will save him time to more easily fit me into his schedule.

Hugh, the surveyor sent a text before getting a second photo shoot of the engine compartment. It seemed my flurry of photos of the engine compartment had still not caught the battery charger. He said he was coming to the Marina for an 11am appointment so would drop in a little after 10am. Well there was a small bit of my pride saved by the fact that Hugh could not find it either. No matter how many pics were taken in the engine compartment they would not have revealed its whereabouts. After a good half an hour search he resigned to me asking Chris about it.

Took the chance to ask him what to expect with the upcoming VHF Radio course. Sounds like so long as the letter signs are known, Alpha, Beta, Charlie, and so on then the rest should be pretty straight forward. Also found a contact number online after he left where a message can be left. It's assumed they will call back after this long weekend.

When sending an email to Marnie, the insurance agent, it never crossed my mind that this is a long weekend for Canada Day. A real Boomer move, thinking the rest of the world should be there for my needs. She did respond to the email, letting me know some info she would need, as well as Hugh's recent survey report so as to get liability for Makina while on the hard. As nothing is likely to happen about it this weekend it is on the list.

Canada Day WEB.jpg

Treated myself to a dinner of more of that wonderful fresh haddock and chips; bringing it back to the boat for a proper sit down instead of the fast food place's picnic tables. Enough left over for a late supper.

Later in the afternoon Chris texted me to say he would be dropping by with his wife tomorrow. They had started to unload the items for the boat that are in his storage. He thought they would then make a second run. They were given an offer of me joining them for the second run to help with any heavy lifting. He has also put together a sales agreement which he would like to sign. Sounds fair by me as the Marina fees will be due on the end of the month.

Satisfied with today's progress, considering it was a long weekend.

May the wind be at your back!

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