Chill Day or how a HotSpot turned me into a coach cat...

Rolled out of the bunk a little after 9AM feeling nicely rested. Although not specifically mentioned, the pics should have made it clear, the weather has been beautiful with clear skies and summer heat since my arrival to Scarborough. That heat has finally brought thunder and some rain today. It was a great chance to check for any leakage in the cabin and around the portholes. She came through with flying colors. Tight as a popcorn fart, as they say.

Reply email was waiting from a sailing instructor. He asked to set up a good time for a voice call. Thought it was wise to wait to see if the surveyor sends me the contact info for his wife's instructor first. Besides the fellow who replied is about 140kms away, which would mean relocating for the period of instructions. Maybe arrangements to stay on his training vessel could be worked out. There... just made the TODO list.

There were parts of the early morning that would have have been gusty and wet under sail. It eventually rained and thundered itself out so that by afternoon the sun was out round some post-storm fluffy clouds. Did a shower run to the Marina's facilities and then some hydroxide, band-aid and love given to my sore-ish pinky toe. It seems to be responding very well to the care being given. Not taking any chances of ruining this dream. 😎👍

Don't think it was mentioned in the previous post but Chris, the owner, was brought up to scratch on the surveyor situation. He is going to the US for a couple of days. Told him that should things still not be resolved with the survey by month's end that the marina fees would be covered by me. As explained to him, in the worst case scenario it would be a great priced airbnb for a want-to-be skipper as myself.

Thought to bring my lawyer up to speed about our counter offer for the income property in Halifax. Trying to speak of it as if there were no memories or emotions attached to it. There are more than 30 years of them there. It was built in 1917, my guess is that it was rebuilt over its simple basement footing with dirt cellar floor, because on December 6, 1917 the neighborhood was leveled in what is known as The Halifax Explosion. It was the largest explosion the world had seen prior to Hiroshima. The property has been a good home to raise my daughter as a single father and the up stairs flat always promised a steady income stream in the erratic income streams that happen working as a freelance programmer.


My Daughter and her posse circa 1990s.

Most of my contracts paid particular attention to Common Gateway Interface protocols. It was commonly known as CGI Scripting back in the day before those pushy graphic people usurped CGI and changed its meaning TO Computer Graphics... something. Hey, not like there is a grudge here! My daughter is a graphics artist for goodness sake! 😉

Spent most of the afternoon reading and doing some internet activities like HIVE curation. The book is historically interesting as well as practicle explainations of charts and chart reading.


It's a strange situation where the end users' tech is better than those who had garnered the data in more anolog means from as long ago as the 1800s which GPS Navagation systems try to translate. One would know with exactness where one is on the GPS yet should be cautious to stear well clear of any shoals, reefs and the like as errors should be expected and best err on the side of caution.

Today seemed like a well needed lounge for everything from sore toes to other little aches and strains from the extensive movement happening lately.

Think its a good time to grab some bunk time before next watch.

May the wind be at your back!

````Cabot-36 underway```


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