The Adventure Begins

If you are wondering what caused the dip with ETH today, you can thank me. Well it sure felt like it. Last night a little over 7 of my ETH went on the block. The trades happened around $5088CAD/ETH. This morning when checking in things were down about 5%. What could get an old HODLer as myself to sell off some of his bag? My new girlfriend, Makina, that's what.


~~ Mikina ~~

Isn's she a beauty? She's a 35.58 ft cutter built in my home province of Nova Scotia in 1978.

Sea Nerds can find more details here:

We have never met, yet it was love at first sight over the internet. Although a down payment has been made, the sale is subject to a qualified surveyor giving her the once over first.

Tomorrow at 1PM the train will start me on my journey to take possession of my new beauty. She is an overnight train ride away on the Great Lakes near Toronto, Ontario.

The plan is to sail her back to Halifax, Nova Scotia which is my home port.

You will be most welcome to follow the adventure here on HIVE.

So, me hearties, let the adventure begin!

A chronological listing of my sailing posts:


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