The calm before the storm

Had a nice relaxing sleep. Awoke and spent part of the morning walking back and forth to the marina's facilities. First to clean me. Then to clean my dirties. Then to dry my freshly cleans. Then back to the boat.

A tracking email came in about the impellers which at first had my hopes up that it would arrive tomorrow. No sooner was that good news shared than an update came in saying it was more likely to be sometime before 20:00 Monday. That's the kind of appointments cable guys offer. Well they do offer before noon or afternoon appointments thinking about it further.

So with nothing on the schedule and my housekeeping duties done a trip up the bluffs for some supplies sounded like a plan. Dropped in to my favored dispensary and gave my goodbye and procured a supply that should see me to Kingston. No Frills was next to pick up some munchies. Jason offered to do a Costco run with me when he comes down tomorrow so we can get some real supplies in.

Returned home by early afternoon and had a little cockpit time, but it was soon clear that something more serious was needed and headed to the forward cabin and took a delicious siesta. Although they were having a wedding reception or some music blaring event in the boat in the next slip... slept right through it. Well they were still partying when waking up around supper time but they did not disturb my sleep.

There was a text from Jason asking about getting a parking permit for his car over the weekend. Ended up getting him one good for the month at the Marina's Office.


It was then off to the pub to continue my march through their desert menu. Tonight's cheesecake rivalled last night's chocolate muosse.


Took the opportunity to charge up the laptop's battery while using it while composing this post. Had a nice chat with my Daughter. They have arranged the inspection date for our buyer's people for Tuesday morning. Hopefully that will find me finishing the final lag to Kingston later that same day.


Tomorrow should be busy with Jason's arrival. Hopefully he can help Chris and myself with the boom. It is somewhat of a surprise how things seem to be falling together. Well it has been the focus for well over a month now, so perhaps it is not surprising at all. Shall continue to patiently watch and wait.

May the wind be at your back!

A chronological listing of my sailing posts:

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1 column