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Lost in the burbs.

It seemed a very different kind of day. Last night felt a little headache, which is something rarely experienced unless withdrawing from caffeine. This was my diagnosis so decided to live with it rather than drinking a coffee before sleeping; or trying to sleep at least.

However for a guy that did not take any big drinks before sleep there was a lot of up and down to the head. Perhaps it was some small virus or something after all as water seemed to be deserting the old body. When doing my final wake up maybe around 8:00 things felt more normal. Made more so after taking a nice warm shower.

Back on Makina some research was done about re-registering the vessel with Transport Canada. Those online applications for governmental stuff normally feels a bit stressful to me. They do not go out of their way to make their portals super user friendly. At least that has been my experience.

My thought was that it would be nice to go into Kingston's local Transport Canada office and perhaps there would be someone who would help me through the process the old school paper form way. My hope was also to hear from the Sail Loft today about my sails and lest we forget the edible stash was pretty low.

The hope was that there would be some convergence of energies around these points so that they trip to town could be a productive one.

Started out by mid-morning to where this adventure was to begin... that little hit of a bus stop in the well kept neighborhood just up the road from the marina.


Heading inbound worked like a charm. The 15 took me to the connection with the 501 after a real milk run of well kept neighborhoods along the way. The 501 they swooped me into downtown Kingston and not far from the address of Transport Canada's local office.

Well it was not the type of government office which was in my mind. This one was locked tighter than a drum. Finally after fiddling at a few door a security guard opened one to inform me that one could only make appointments and that no traffic from the street was permitted entrance.

These were not the friendly and helpful government employees which was my imaginings. Strike one of today's planned list.

Being familiar, somewhat with Kingston's downtown, found my way back to the same cafe as on my last minute and had myself a yummy ham and cheese on a croissant with coffee. That seemed to hit the spot, so once finished eating the Sail Loft was given a call to see the state of my sails.

Now regular readers may know that the Sail Loft was said to be slow at the moment. So instead of repairing the sails they thought this would be a good time to take some time off. The sails are expected to be finished later this week. Strike two of today's planned list.

Well there's one chore that in this province does not seem raise such a hard bar and that is the THC dispensaries. There seems to be one on most corners. As it turned out the one that popped up in my path happened to be the same one on my last visit to town. Bought a stash which hopefully should get me to Thurs.. At that time it would be nice to move to James' marina. It would make prepping for the passage to Montreal much easier.

It appeared that all attempts at chores had been done in town and it seemed time to head home and simply mark it down as one of those days.

Headed to the stop where the 502 could be picked up and then transferred out to the 15. That is when things started to get weird. We drove around for a bit through well kept neighborhoods until at last the surroundings started to get familiar as we had returned to where we had begin. The driver explained that the previous driver had been running late so he was helping out to just service one side of the line.

With that understanding the next 15 was taken. Yet again we returned to where we had begun again. The new driver explained that they do one side of the line, return to the main hub and then go off to do the other side of the line which should be my destination.

So sat down again and settled in for the drive. And we were doing well. Some things were looking familiar. Or at least that was my assumption for we suddenly came across a parked RV in a driveway and it seemed like it was the one across from the bus stop earlier; at the beginning of the journey. However after exiting the bus it soon became evident that this was not the stop and as to where this was exactly was completely unknown to me.

A father and his daughter came walking by and they pointed me to the direction of Collin's Bay. It was a long and hot walk to the long road they pointed me, yet some shade was supplied along the way.

The route finally started to leave the well kept neighborhood...


It may have been a bigger road but as its location was a mystery. It seemed like there was not an address even to give a taxi... until rounding the next bend when it lay before me in the bright light. My salvation had come.


Proper pick up address a taxi was called upon. A nice fellow from India picked me up. We chatted all the way back to the marina, which was a $20 ride, about Goa in India. Having visited there for a few month back in the 70s we had lots to talk about. He said many of the old Hippies from that era are still there! ✌️😎

Back on board did some email exchange with my lawyer in preparations of another remote signing of documents. Please let it be less of a cluster truck as it was last time.

There was a card which was found on the marina office's business card collection of a fellow named Roger who offered all sorts of boat servicing. We had a brief talk, explaining about the stiffness of what appears to be the throttle and gear levers. My suspicion are the cables yet it could be the analog mechanics in the pedestal. He's going to try to drop round tomorrow.

My lawyer just sent email that he is preparing the paperwork tonight, so hopefully can do what needs doing at Staples tomorrow as well as meet up with Roger in the morning. We shall see how that all falls together. Hopefully smoother than today.

May the wind be at your back!

A chronological listing of my sailing posts: