Feeding papers to my lawyer

Had a nice sleep and did the old fashioned sink splash, with hair under the tap, at the marina's facilities. Did my morning internet-ting upon my return. Had brown surgar and maple oatmeal with sliced bananas for breakfast. All washed down with some coffee and a indica chocolate for desert.

Finished off and passed a Navigation Rules course with nauticed.org.

It's a nice site where you can keep a log file that instructors or captains one crews with can be given access to the log for updates of to your sea mile log.

They offer a couple of free courses, yet have a wide range of additional courses. Some are available in a virtual boat using Meta's VR headsets. The additional courses require a, fairly, inexpensive subscription and are all approved accreditation by the United States Coast Guard.

My lawyer phoned to give all the speculations why the scanning from Staples yesterday was not working for him. After a couple trips to the Marina's Office the final scan of the entire contract was sent to him. Hopefully that will be the end of it until next month with the official closing on the 30th of August.

The closing extension will, hopefully, give more time for the housing market to do some correcting.

It doesn't sound like much, yet all of that activity took me to mid-afternoon to finish up. Felt a little peckish at that point. There is a Yard BBQ planned for tonight by the Marina which is an annual thing yet timed to welcome fishermen for this weekend's fishing tournament. All other Marina clients were invited, as well. Decided on one piece of fresh and fried haddock with the hope that my appetite would rebound.

A siesta was tempting but started in on the second course offered by nauticed.org instead. Got a bit into it but siesta was calling so had a lay down. Had a great sleep until the heat of the day had passed by about 17:30.

Headed over to the BBQ. There was a great turn out. Had a classic burger but the haddock earlier had robbed most of my hunger so couldn't finish it. A nice social event though. It really brought the liveaboards ashore.

Back at the boat and had a nice chat with my Son-In-Common-Law online. He seemed genuinely excited to try out sailing. My feeling, and hope, is that he will like it a lot and we could have some good times bobbing about on the toss.

Maybe it was today's heat, yet felt a little tired again very early in the evening and thought to do a little YouTubing and relax. It turned into a deep sleep. Had a wake up when a racoon was trying it's best to get through a porthole which was too small; yet they did manage to push out the screen which fell the sound of which woke me. Put the screen back in place and then it was back to the bunk until a 5am!

A new day awaits, so will get this posted. Sorry for not taking my phone to the BBQ for pics!

May the wind be at your back!

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