Today I’m going to recommend ‘Grand Theft World’ podcast by Richard Grove, as a starting point for a critical thinking about the corporate media reports and censorship of any other opinion except their…
The show is going on since November 23rd, and you can watch it live on Twitch | Flote | Facebook | PSCP | DLive and YouTube for the time being. This is Episode 008, with a bunch of facts you will never be able to see over corporate media:
Duration: 4:50:54
Alternative at LBRY in case YouTube video is taken down
Duration: 4:50:26
In this show, conveniently named ‘Silence of Consenting Lambs’ you can see:
[00:07:40] ‘Safe and effective’ vaccine – reports and testimonies
[00:13:47] CDC numbers
[00:18:58] Books by E. Richard Brown: ‘Rockefeller Medicine Men – Medicine and Capitalism in America’ and by Raymond B. Fosdick: ‘History of the Rockefeller foundation’
[00:26:00] Kentucky Senator Rand Paul’s Speech, December 22nd
[00:43:00] What’s gonna happen with $600 check and Pakistani gender program?
[00:47:00] Third Strain Alarm and Flu epidemic through years
[00:53:00] Vaccine with 2.7% ‘Health Impact Events’ and Harvard professor reveals ‘Race-based Vaccine Plans’
[00:59:15] Book ‘The Great Reset’
[01:02:10] Book by David Rockefeller: ‘Memoires’ Proud Internationalist
[01:04:30] Book by Henry Kissinger: ‘World Order’
[01:06:35] James Corbett on DARPA
[01:12:00] Book by Zbigniew Brzezinski: ‘America and the World’ (2008)
[01:14:20] Back to James Corbett and the book ‘To Change China’
[01:17:00] Spanish Flu origins in – Kansas! ‘The Great Influenza’ book
[01:19:00] Constitutional Law Professor Dr. Francis Boyle on DARPA and vaccine. See more at
[01:30:30] Jerusalem Post asks: ‘Could mRNA COVID-19 vaccines be dangerous in the long-term?’
[01:38:15] DARPA-Funded Implantable Biochip to Detect COVID-19 Could Hit Markets by 2021
[01:44:20] Nurenberg Code
[01:59:20] Ben Swann’s Reality Check on rising inequality
[02:05:55] Back to James Corbett and Vaccines – no more ‘normal’
[02:09:00] Vaccination as a military operation and what the vaccines really are
[02:21:10] Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg against the vaccines
[02:24:31] Rush for the dangerous vaccine
[02:27:10] Informed consent? Del Bigtree kicked out of YouTube
[02:30:10] Joycamp
[02:38:10] Book by Yevgeny Zamyatin: ‘We’ (1921)
[02:40:30] Conspiracy Guy: Coronavirus. ‘Asympthomatic neigbor’ danger!
[02:48:30] Benny Wills (Conspiracy Guy) interview. He is ours @joycamp-benny, too bad he is not active any more
[03:32:00] How the ‘Greater Good’ is used as a Tool of Social Control
[03:44:45] Jordan Petersen on the book ‘Gulag Archipelago’ by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
[03:55:50] Book by Milton Mayer: ‘They Thought They Were Free – The Germans, 1933-45’
[04:08:40] Dave Emery & Genie Erstad
[04:13:10] Trial to Adolf Eichmann in Izrael
[04:24:15] British Medical Journal, The Nuremberg Code (1947) on Medical experiments on human beings… and the ‘Greater Good’ again
[04:34:40] International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Article 7.
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.
[04:38:30] Merry Scary Christmas!
[04:40:30] JP Sears: A Communist Christmas
You can find Grand Theft World Podcast Video Replays at
Never forget Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
* * *
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