Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2022)

SMO Live. Source / Извор:

So far, we were talking about the steps to the Great War. It started in 2022: The most spectacular event in 2022 was not the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing. It was the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine…

Support for belligerent Nazi structures in Ukraine was rising in the USA and EU during 2021, with open armament of its military formations directed towards Donbass. Eight-year war against the Russian-speaking population did not move anyone in the West. Nor did anyone in the West tried to remind Ukraine to fulfill its obligation from the Minsk agreements. From month to month it was getting more clear and obvious that we will soon have a war terrible enough for everyone to forget a Coronavirus Hoax and its criminal organizers…

Following a path to the Great War which would allow plutocratic psychopaths to evade responsibility, and could allow the Evil Empire of Lies to rise again, we have gathered a number of texts. It is time to make yearly archives for the easier orientation and search…

Timeline is going from the bottom of the text up.

106. DOCUMENTARY: Germany – Fall of an Empire? [eng/срп] ДОКУМЕНТАРАЦ: Немачка – Пад империје?

Through the magic of technological progress, we have reached the point where by clicking on just one link you can find out whether you live in a free country or a dictatorship… And Germany is certainly not a free country.

105. THE WAR: USA ‘Help’ [eng/срп] РАТ: Америчка ‘помоћ’

The price of the war in Ukraine will be paid by the taxpayers of the countries of the ‘Collective West’ with their money, and all those citizens of Ukraine poisoned by Nazism who think that Russia is their enemy, will pay with their blood. And it will last as long as there are enough of them to die for the interests of the largest capital. When the ‘Collective West’ has consumed them, then all those countries that ‘have helped’ will throw themselves like hyenas on the remains of Ukraine in order to seize part of the corpse in the name of debt collection.

It is not happening for the first time in history…

104. THE WAR: False Flagging into World War III [eng/срп] РАТ: Преварама у Трећи Светски

The news of November 15 was the fall of two missiles on the territory of the Polish settlement of Przewodov. Of course the corporate media did not miss the opportunity to accuse Russia before any details about the event and before the investigation…

103. THE WAR: Distinguishing journalism and propaganda [eng/срп] РАТ: Разликовање новинарства од пропаганде

The best signal of the coming war can be seen through the media: When journalism turns into propaganda, war is inevitable!

You have to read an excellent short text written by Carolina Vasquez Araya, a journalist from Ecuador, who described one of the ways of recognizing propaganda through the description of the work of Ryszard Kapuscinski, an outstanding Polish reporter, travel writer and author.

Today, the war has already begun, and distinguishing journalism from propaganda is no longer difficult: corporate media have become pure propaganda, and journalism has moved to alternative media and is trying to restore the honor of the profession from the margins.

102. THE WAR: Nazi roots of Globalist ‘elite’ [eng/срп] РАТ: Нацистички корени глобалистичке ‘елите’

This is a continuation of a text under the title “The Unfinished War”. Nazism in Ukraine is not an incident, but the result of a long-term process of bringing an ‘elite’ with Nazi roots to the top of European countries. And not only the states: the head of the unelected European Commission, Government of the EU, is Ursula von der Leyen – another Nazi descendant. But there are more of them. For example, Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland and Robert Mueller, the former Director of the FBI.

Don’t hold your breath – this series is going to last longer, and you can find all of the links so far in this post: GERMANY: Back to Nazi tradition [eng/срп] НЕМАЧКА: Повратак нацистичкој традицији

101. THE WAR: Chances of Nuclear Provocation [eng/срп] РАТ: Изгледи за нуклеарну провокацију

The most effective method of mass control is fear. Fear mongers know it has an expiration date. Since the fear caused by the Coronavirus Hoax has dissipated, the crime must be covered up with a greater fear – the fear of nuclear war…

You mustn’t let them scare you. Fear is the mind killer.

100. Twitter WAR: Con Artist vs. Nazis

War is not a funny thing. But life creates absurd situations which may be funny despite everything… Twitter as a meme battlegorund between Musk and Zelensky!

99. THE WAR… Against Germany [eng/срп] РАТ… против Немачке

Nord Stream destruction…

Source / Извор: Pepe Escobar

98. THE WAR: Controlled Demolition [eng/срп] РАТ: Контролисано уништење

A confidential document appeared dated January 25, 2022, the work of the RAND Corporation (which does analytics for the Pentagon and the CIA) entitled “Weakening Germany, Strengthening the USA” which described a psychological psychological operation of the controlled collapse of Europe by causing war in Ukraine and destroying the EU engine – Germany. All this in order to cause hyperinflation and collapse the world financial system in order to implement the ‘Great Reset’ plan and the introduction of one world government. The document is only a few pages long, and you can view them in this post…

97. THE WAR: Escalation [eng/срп] РАТ: Ескалација

“We are not at war with Ukraine – but the collective West”
— Russian Def. Min

“If territorial integrity threatened, Russia will use all available means – this is not a bluff.”
— President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

96. THE WAR: Creating a Terrorist States [eng/срп] РАТ: Стварање терористичких држава

The key problem for empires in conquering new colonies is recruiting people to fight for the Empire. As mercenaries have proven throughout history to be the most expensive and worst kind of soldiers, empires prefer to use a system of political, religious or ideological indoctrination…

95. THE WAR: Hegemon [eng/срп] РАТ: Хегемон

The New World Order is already being built on the ruins of the ‘Pax Americana’. And it will most certainly not look the way the psychopathic globalist ‘elite’ imagined it…

It’s understandable because the former hegemon is trying to delay doom by spreading the fires of war wherever possible. The only thing that can delay the favorable development of the multipolar order is for the World to fall into Thucydides’ trap…

94. THE WAR: Of Wisdom and Freedom [eng/срп] РАТ: О мудрости и слободи

‘Wise’ cowards never could change anything. Determined ‘lunatics’ could. And did.


93. THE WAR: NATO Article 5 [eng/срп] РАТ: НАТО члан 5.

Under the thick levels of propaganda lies the truth about the NATO’s infamous Article 5. If you want to know what it really is, you have to read it yourself…

NATO Ukr_2023-05-19_08-14-07.jpg

92. THE WAR: Trampling the Red Lines [eng/срп] РАТ: Гажење црвених линија

On Thursday, the most watched show on the Internet was followed by over 700,000 people – all of them followed the flight on FlightRadar24 of the plane with Nancy Pelosi that was supposed to land in Taiwan…

This event was presented to the global public as a spark that could cause a World War initiated with a clash between China and the United States. China reacted really harshly, but its leaders are not psychopaths who would start a war against the country with which they have the largest trade exchange in the world because of one drunken granny. It is simple – not worth it.

91. World Class Clown Show – Revenge of a Turkey!

The best World Class Clown Show… A collection of memes dedicated to utmostly provocative visit of Nancy Pelosi to a Chinese Taiwan.

90. THE WAR: Unfinished War [eng/срп] РАТ: Незавршени рат

“Of all wars, the worst is an unfinished war.”
— Russian proverb

I have to return again to an excellent book ‘The Bitcoin Standard – The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking’ by Professor Saifedean Ammous, where he in a brilliant way explained that the history since the beginning of the twentieth century (that is, the creation of the central banking system) has not recorded two world wars – the whole history is actually one a global war between good and evil that only changes forms…

Bitcoin Standard-66192fd40fdf88dba0991275_BTC_English_Bo-p-500.jpg

Links to the book also in the text below
BITCOIN: End of the Dollar (2023) [eng/срп] БИТКОИН: Крај долара (2023)

89. THE WAR: Genetic Weapon [eng/срп] РАТ: Генетско оружје

Before you fall for another criminal scam, be sure to watch the short video in this text…

In it, we can see very casually revealed fact that your genetic material (which literally billions of people have arbitrarily given up in the form of Covid ‘tests’) now belongs to – a private company!

88. THE WAR: Coup Masters [eng/срп] РАТ: Пуч-мајстори (July 13th, 2022)

Former White House official John Bolton admits to planning foreign coups.

“For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.”
— Luke 12, 2

And “Coups R US” documentary.

87. THE WAR: Ways of Ending [eng/срп] РАТ: Начини завршетка (July 9th, 2022)

During the 20th century, wars were still considered to begin with declarations and end with peace treaties. Those times are over. The military department of the global empire known as the Pentagon has changed all the rules of warfare. First, it made the war official as a racket (criminal business), and with that change came new ways of ending the war.

The audio book by Smedley Butler, “War is a racket”.

86. BREAKING: Rat from the Downing Street Resigning! [eng/срп] УДАРНО: Пацов из Даунинг стрита подноси оставку! (July 7th, 2022)

Larry the Cat, responsible for the rodents in 10 Downing Street, found a rat in the British government. And Boris Johnson had to resign! He is the first victim of the war against Russia using Ukraine…

85. BREAKING: Georgia Guidestones Blown Sky High! [eng/срп] УДАРНО: Миниран Камени водич у Џорџији! (July 6th, 2022)

Someone finaly did what should be done long ago: In the suburbs of Atlanta in the US state of Georgia, the famous monument known as the Georgia Guidestones was blown up early morning today, on July 6th!

84. THE WAR and the Revolution [eng/срп] РАТ и Револуција (July 3rd, 2022)

The hot war has just begun. Bearing in mind Lenin’s truism “Either revolution prevents war, or war will cause revolution”, a logical question arises: Is revolution awaiting us? And when can we expect it? In 1909 the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky threw THE TEN MESSAGES OF REVOLUTION into his fellow citizens’ face – which sound quite prophetic today.

83. THE WAR against Man (May 5th, 2022)

In its development, American ‘democracy’ has reached the stage of a superhero – freedom of speech can no longer be defended by the US Constitution, but must also be done through a private initiative – by a ‘fearless individual’, quite by chance a billionaire. So, even justice has been privatized… Nina Jankowicz psycho and Batman Musk.

82. РАТ против Човека (Serbian – May 3rd, 2022)

У свом развоју америчка ‘демократија’ стигла је до фазе суперхероја – слободу говора више не може одбранити Устав САД, већ то мора учинити ‘неустрашиви појединац’, сасвим случајно милијардер… Психопата Нина Јанковић и разговор са Марком Танасковићем и Александром Павићем.

81. THE WAR: Nuclear War? [eng/срп] РАТ: Нуклеарни рат? (May 1st, 2022)

A satirical text signed by Walter E. Block recently appeared on the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity website, entitled “Nuclear War?”, which you simply have to read…

80. THE WAR: Unconventional Warfare [eng/срп] РАТ: Неконвенционално ратовање (Apr. 21st, 2022)

“One of the most important documents we’ve ever published is the ‘Unconventional Warfare’ manual…”
— Julian Assange, Wikileaks founder

“And what is unconventional warfare? Unconventional warfare is warfare performed through the use of surrogate forces to overthrow a government. That’s essentially [to] infiltrate, train and overthow. That’s what happened in Afghanistan, it’s what happened in Nicaragua. Now that manual which I mentioned in this book, it is the active policy now in the United States.”

Download books:

  1. ‘From dictatorship to democracy’ (In English and Serbian)
  2. “Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare”

79. BREAKING: Turkey invades Iraq [eng/срп] УДАРНО: Турска упала у Ирак (Apr. 18th, 2022)

It may be that the corporate media are too busy, so they missed the news that Turkey invaded the territory of the sovereign state of Iraq on Sunday night…

The Turkish Ministry of Defense announced that it has launched a new special military operation against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in northern Iraq.

78. THE WAR: Watch the Water [eng/срп] РАТ: Чувајте се воде (Apr. 17th, 2022)

There is a viral video on the Internet entitled ‘Watch the Water’, in which Stew Peters leads a conversation with Dr. Bryan Ardis, who establishes an interesting connection between Coronavirus Hoax and the eternal struggle between good and evil…

77. РАТ из угла Никите Михалкова (Serbian – Apr. 12th, 2022)

The celebrated film director, winner of the Palme d’Or in Cannes and an Oscar for the movie ‘Deceptive Sun’ (1994), Nikita Mikhalkov, has space in the series ‘Besogon’ to present his views on the modern world. In this episode you can see how he looks at the events in Ukraine… Text is in Serbian, and video in Russian and Serbian.

76. THE WAR: Of the nature of Evil [eng/срп] РАТ: О природи зла (Apr. 11th, 2022)

Evil is seductive, but incapable of ruling permanently. It cannot last because it contains the seeds of self-destruction from the very beginning. The evil plan to establish a New World Order and a central World government cannot succeed because the worst people are engaged in its establishment. Their moral and/or intellectual shortcomings make them incapable of any creativity. They are only capable of doing damage, and on that fundament it has never been possible to establish any stable and prosperous system. Just see the Nazi regime in Ukraine. This kind of evil can no longer be suppressed by democratic means, because democracy no longer exists. Such a thing requires a Special Military Operation…

“What is thy name?”
“Part of that Power, not understood,
Which always wills the Bad,
and always works the Good.”
— J. W. von Goethe, Faust…

75. THE WAR: Neocortical war [eng/срп] РАТ: Неокортикални рат (Apr. 6th, 2022)

There is a book that can be found in Serbian language, entitled “Neocortical War”, written by Professor Svetozar Radišić, former spokesman for the Yugoslav army. It describes a new way of warfare. It could be said that these are techniques of ‘conquering people’s minds’, but also beyond that – it is a dominant tendency to shift the focus of human conflicts from physical warfare to the neocortical sphere, influencing people’s psyche, will, feelings and imagination… Victory without blood, before a single bullet was fired. The dream of every conqueror. You will now look at Disney Corp. with different eyes.

74. THE WAR: Is Poland Next? [eng/срп] РАТ: Да ли је Пољска следећа? (Apr. 4th, 2022)

The war will certainly expand. But where? Unfortunately, history says that every enlightenment is always preceded by a complete insanity…

73. THE WAR: Collective Nervous Breakdown [eng/срп] РАТ: Колективни нервни слом (Apr. 3rd, 2022)

The work of destroying the European Union is coming to an end through a completely idiotic ‘elite’ that manages it. As soon as the Ukrainian Minister Dimitry Kuleba proposed to criminalize the Latin letter “Z”, the mass of Zombified Nazi Liberals at the head of governments and corporations rushed to the Stop-Z campaign…

72. BITCOIN: Russia Returns to Gold! [eng/срп] БИТКОИН: Русија се враћа злату! (Apr. 2nd, 2022)

It seems that in the shadow of the events in Ukraine and the news about the natural gas ruble, another sensational news has been completely pushed to the background: The global financial system established in Bretton Woods is now officially dead!

71. March 24th 1999 – NATO Aggression on FRY [eng/срп] 24. март 1999 – НАТО напада СРЈ (Mar. 24th, 2022)

Whenever corporate media ask you to condemn ‘Russian invasion of Ukraine’, ask them what were they doing on March 24th 1999, exactly 23 years ago, when NATO started the aggression on FRY…

70. BREAKING NEWS: Financial Nuke! [eng/срп] УДАРНО: Финансијска нуклеарка! (Mar. 23rd, 2022)

From the very beginning of the special operation in Ukraine, it was clear that this was not a conflict between Russia and Ukraine, but a war of globalist freaks against the rest of the world. In that war today, Russia fired a true financial nuke: Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that ‘unfriendly nations’ (read: European countries) will have to pay for Russian natural gas in rubles!

69. THE WAR: The Demon Seed [eng/срп] РАТ: Демонско семе (Mar. 23rd, 2022)

On March 6, the American propaganda outlet PBS had a conversation with the Ukrainian ultranationalist member of the neo-Nazi party Svoboda, and the mayor of the Ukrainian city of Konotop, Artem Semenikhin. How did Nazi come at the head of the Ukrainian city? And what is the Nazi doing at PBS?

Hell is empty and all the devils are here…

68. THE WAR: Global corporations go full Nazi mode [eng/срп] РАТ: Глобалне корпорације откривају нацистичко лице (Mar. 22nd, 2022)

Operation Z in Ukraine increasingly resembles of massive removal of masks at a vampire masquerade. All the globalist corporations harnessed to create the New World Order through the Great Reset momentarily have shown their natural, Nazi face…

67. THE WAR: Geopolitics of Ukraine [eng/срп] РАТ: Геополитика Украјине (Mar. 20th, 2022)

The corporate media gives a distorted, black-and-white picture of the conflict in Ukraine without any element of context. Just as they did exactly 23 years ago when NATO attacked and bombed FR Yugoslavia. And somehow, no one from the corporate media and none of the European politicians remembers that terrible crime. And here we have STRATFOR’s George Friedman with his 2015 prophecy regarding Germany…

66. Коронапревара и биолабораторије у Србији (Serbian – Mar. 12th, 2022)

Another set of documents, this time within the text in Serbian. Click this link for an automatic English translation of the text: Coronavirus Hoax and biolaboratories in Serbia

65. THE WAR: The day NATO cease to exist [eng/срп] РАТ: Дан кад је НАТО престао да постоји (Mar. 12th, 2022)

All the rumors that NATO is just a paper tiger (as Ukrainian crisis shows) are far from the truth. Actually NATO already cease to exist. We can argue only about the date…

64. THE WAR: Biological War [eng/срп] РАТ: Биолошки рат (Mar. 8th, 2022)

This time it is not a conspiracy theory, nor a theory at all – the Russian army in Ukraine has found evidence of the preparation of biological weapons that would unequivocally be used in a hybrid war. Namely, dozen of biolaboratories controlled and financed by the Pentagon were discovered in Ukraine. Documents on the existence of such laboratories have been deleted from the website of the US Embassy in Ukraine, but they have been preserved in the Internet archives. Here we have the first set of documents…

63. THE WAR: Fighting Censorship [eng/срп] РАТ: Борба против цензуре (Mar. 4th, 2022)

As of yesterday, the websites of ‘Russia Today’ and ‘Sputnik’ are no longer available in the EU and United States. Censorship forces us to look for islands of freedom…


62. THE WAR: Choosing Sides [eng/срп] РАТ: Бирање стране (Mar. 3rd, 2022)

In just a few days, a new ‘iron curtain’ is being created before our eyes, and again the nations will have to decide which side they will be on…

61. THE WAR: Truth as the First Casualty [eng/срп] РАТ: Истина као прва жртва (Feb. 27th, 2022)

From the very first day of SMO, the accuracy of Aeschylus’ saying is confirmed: “Truth Is the First Casualty in War”

60. BREAKING: Russia starts special military operation in Ukraine [eng/срп] УДАРНО: Русија започела специјалну војну операцију у Украјини (Feb. 24th, 2022)

“Your fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers did not fight defending our common homeland for today’s neo-Nazis to seize power”
— Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President of the Russian Federation

59. THE WAR: Ukrainian Gambit [eng/срп] РАТ: Украјински гамбит (Feb. 23rd, 2022)

“If you see you can’t avoid a conflict, strike first”
— Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President of the Russian Federation.


…and Biden announces destruction of Nord Stream 2…

58. THE WAR: Sport is War [eng/срп] РАТ: Спорт је рат (Feb. 15th, 2022)

“Fair play and sport does not go together in the 21st Century” — Ellis Cashmore, Honorary professor of sociology at Aston University joins to the position of Philosophy PhD, and former top athlete, Dr. Ljubodrag Simonović, that sport is just another tool in the ‘business of global domination’…

See also:

Sport is Politics:

THE WAR: Use of Sports in a Hybrid War

Football Leaks Affair

Novak Djokovic’s Blood Money

WORLD CUP: Sport IS Politics

Doping in Sports — Hiding the Truth Much Worse Than Doping Itself!

The Last Revolution (Part 5)

Olympism and Fascism

The Great Olympic Swindle

57. THE WAR: Russian Response [eng/срп] РАТ: Руски одговор (Jan. 24th, 2022)

NATO led by United States has trampled over all Russian red lines. We are coming to the inflection point. How will it look like? In this text it was clear that, very soon, we could expect fireworks like you have never seen before…

* * *

Related posts / Повезани текстови:

РАТ: Довршавање Другог светског рата

THE WAR: Ending the WWII

THE WAR: Speaking of New Yalta… Kazan 2024 [eng/срп] РАТ: Кад смо код нове Јалте… Казањ 2024.

THE WAR: Nuclear moment approaching [eng/срп] РАТ: Ближи се нуклеарни час

THE WAR: NATO – Replacing Clowns

BREAKING: ⚡️ Iran retaliates against Israel!

BREAKING: ⚡️ Israel invades Lebanon!

BREAKING: ⚡️ Hezbollah confirms death of its leader Hassan Nasrallah

THE WAR: Fight the Future [eng/срп] РАТ: Борбом против будућности

THE WAR: Weaponization of Elections [eng/срп] РАТ: Избори као оружје

THE WAR: Dirty Bomb, Desperation & Insanity

USA: The owner visits his property

THE WAR: Panic in War Paradise [eng/срп] РАТ: Паника у ратном рају

THE WAR: Desperation [eng/срп] РАТ: Очај

THE WAR: Point of no Return [eng/срп] РАТ: Тачка без повратка

THE WAR: Hunger Games [eng/срп] РАТ: Игре глади

Inventing Ukraine (Documentary, 2024) [eng/срп] Измишљање украјине (Документарац, 2024)

BREAKING: US Army dying in Ukraine?!

THE WAR: Odessa massacre [eng/срп] РАТ: Масакр у Одеси

THE WAR: NATO terrorism [eng/срп] РАТ: НАТО тероризам

THE WAR: Impotence of the Empire [eng/срп] РАТ: Немоћ Империје

BREAKING: Iran strikes Israel!

THE WAR: Terrorist trail [eng/срп] РАТ: Терористички траг

NATO Nazis II – Birthday Documents [eng/срп] НАТО нацисти II – Рођендански документи

THE WAR: Debunking ‘AI’ – Actually Indians! (Part IV) [eng/срп] РАТ: Демистификација ‘ВИ’ – Види, Индијци! (део IV)

THE WAR: Exempted Terrorism and Deadly Hypocrisy [eng/срп] РАТ: Изузети тероризам и смртоносно лицемерје

THE WAR: Empire’s fear of Truth [eng/срп] РАТ: Империјални страх од истине

THE WAR: The Day Multipolar World was born [eng/срп] РАТ: Дан кад је рођен мултиполарни свет

THE WAR: The Imperial Terrorists [eng/срп] РАТ: Империјалистички терористи

THE WAR: Ukronazi burgers with French fries (WW3) [eng/срп] РАТ: Укронацистички хамбургер уз помфри (TCP)

Putin: ‘Your vampire ball is over’ [eng/срп] Путин: ‘Ваш бал вампира је готов’

Drones Inc. (Documentary, 2024) [eng/срп] Дрон корпорација (Документарац, 2024)

THE WAR: Can’t go without Germans! [eng/срп] РАТ: Нема рата без Немаца!

Frontline Diary of an American Officer (Documentary, 2024) [eng/срп] Дневник америчког официра са линије фронта (Документарац, 2024)

THE WAR: Conditions for radicalization [eng/срп] РАТ: Услови за радикализацију

THE WAR: NATO bubble about to burst [eng/срп] РАТ: НАТО балон пред пуцањем

The Empire’s war against the Truth

THE WAR: Zionist Response

BREAKING — ICJ: Israel must stop genocidal acts in Gaza!

THE WAR: Genocide – in their own words [eng/срп] РАТ: Геноцид – њиховим речима

Ukraine’s Arms Barons (Documentary, 2024) [eng/срп] Украјински господари оружја (Документарац, 2024)

THE WAR: A New Crusade (2023) [eng/срп] РАТ: Нови крсташки поход (2023)

THE WAR: Back to The Grand Chessboard [eng/срп] РАТ: Назад на Велику шаховску таблу

THE WAR: True culprit for the Ukrainian war [eng/срп] РАТ: Истински кривац за украјински рат

THE WAR: Plutocracy plans (‘The Economist’ 2012/2013) [eng/срп] РАТ: Плутократски планови (‘Економист’ 2012/2013)

Cults: The CIA’s Secret Weapon (2023) [eng/срп] Култови: Тајно оружје ЦИА

BITCOIN: End of the Dollar (2023) [eng/срп] БИТКОИН: Крај долара (2023)

THE WAR: Concentration [eng/срп] РАТ: Концентрација

U.S. Defence Industry Bloody Business (2023) [eng/срп] Крвави посао војне индустрије САД (2023)

Search • Find • Tell (2022) [eng/срп] Тражи • Нађи • Реци (2022)

Vladimir Putin exclusively for CCTV

BREAKING: Israel under attack! [eng/срп] УДАРНО: Напад на Израел!

THE WAR: Small Meme War Among Allies [eng/срп] РАТ: Мали рат мимовима међу савезницима

SERBIA: Kosovo and Metohia – Unfinished Business [eng/срп] СРБИЈА: Косово и Метохија – незавршени посао

Canada Nazi scandal grows [eng/срп] Канадски нацистички скандал бубри

THE WAR: Nazi Revival [eng/срп] РАТ: Повратак нацизма

SERBIA: Jasenovac – A Hidden Genocide [eng/срп] СРБИЈА: Јасеновац – скривани геноцид

USA: The Roots of a Racist Anti-Civilization [eng/срп] САД: Корени расистичке анти-цивилизације

Colonial heritage and shameless propaganda

End of the Old World Stats: BRICS vs. G7 [eng/срп] Статистика краја старог света: БРИКС против Г7

THE WAR: BRICS and the New History [eng/срп] РАТ: БРИКС и Нова Историја

Цивилизација против антицивилизације: Комитет 300 (Serbian)

THE WAR: African Frontline [eng/срп] РАТ: Афрички фронт

THE WAR: Question of Faith [eng/срп] РАТ: Питање вере

Tanks for kidneys (2023) [eng/срп] Тенкови за бубреге (2023)

Biological Warfare Department (2023) [eng/срп] Одељење за биолошки рат (2023)

THE WAR: Agent Zelensky (2023) [eng/срп] РАТ: Агент Зеленски (2023)

THE WAR: Cruel NATO Jokes and Stubborn Truth [eng/срп] РАТ: Окрутне НАТО шале и тврдоглава истина

THE WAR: Debunking ‘AI’ – True Danger (Part III of III) [eng/срп] РАТ: Демистификација ‘ВИ’ – Права опасност (део III од III)

THE WAR: Debunking ‘AI’ – Criteria of a genuine AI (Part II of III) [eng/срп] РАТ: Демистификација ‘ВИ’ – Критеријуми истинске ВИ (део II од III)

THE WAR: Debunking ‘AI’ – Chess Intro (Part I of III) [eng/срп] РАТ: Демистификација ‘ВИ’ – Шаховски увод (део I од III)

USA: What If… (ft. ‘AI’)

THE WAR: Belt & Road Geopolitics [eng/срп] РАТ: Геополитика Појаса и пута

THE WAR: Mind blowing CIA attack [eng/срп] РАТ: Напад ЦИА ради разарања ума

Coronavirus Hoax as an introduction into global health tyranny [eng/срп] Коронапревара као увод у глобалну медицинску тиранију

THE WAR: More glitches in the Corporate Media Matrix [eng/срп] РАТ: Нови кварови у матрици корпоративних медија

THE WAR: Battle for Hersh’s Bridge [eng/срп] РАТ: Битка за Хершов мост

Glitch in the media Matrix? [eng/срп] Квар у медијској матрици?

THE WAR: Chinese glimpse of an Old World [eng/срп] РАТ: Кинески поглед на стари свет

THE WAR: What will happen to Ukraine? [eng/срп] РАТ: Шта ће бити с Украјином?

NATO Nazis [eng/срп] НАТО нацисти

THE WAR: De-dollarization [eng/срп] РАТ: Дедоларизација

THE WAR: Fall of the Empire [eng/срп] РАТ: Пад империје

THE WAR: Weaponization of (In)justice [eng/срп] РАТ: (Не)правда као оружје

BREAKING: The War against Iran [eng/срп] УДАРНО: Рат против Ирана

BREAKING: Nuclear Provocation [eng/срп] УДАРНО: Нуклеарна провокација

THE WAR: Drone Wars [eng/срп] РАТ: Ратовање дроном

THE WAR: Criminal Court [eng/срп] РАТ: Криминални суд

THE WAR: Destroying the ‘Allies’ [eng/срп] РАТ: Уништавање ‘савезника’

THE WAR: Weapons of mass distraction [eng/срп] РАТ: Оружје за масовно замајавање

THE WAR: The End of United Nations [eng/срп] РАТ: Крај Уједињених нација

THE WAR: Declaration of War [eng/срп] РАТ: Објава рата

THE WAR of Attrition [eng/срп] РАТ исцрпљивања

THE WAR: Nazi background of Klaus Schwab [eng/срп] РАТ: Нацистичко порекло Клауса Шваба

* * *

Archive of texts:

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2021)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2020)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2019)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2018)

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