Monday Not Mundane!

What's up, guys? It's Monday, yay. What!! Haven't you had a long holiday?! Now get back to work. Hey, oh come on now, don't be grumpy. Let's play some Rising Star, it'll cheer you up. Hit my referral key down below and let’s go:

My Referral

Check out my other posts and see how much progress I have made so far

How about being a rising star?
S5 Mozart: You have it on buying 12 packs for 100,000 starbits!
Open Mic Night & Mid Week Support Slot!
Busking with a License & Midweek Headline Slot!
Saturday Support!
Saturday Headlines!
Radio Interview!
Cold Pizza Slice & Red Lambo!
Radio Studio Session: Local Gig Circuit
Thursday highlights!!
Freaky Friday Fiesta
Hip Hip Hurray!! It's Sunday
Monday Funday
Taco Tuesday!!
Wednesday Addams paying a visit!
Thursday Thunder!!
Friday Fun Fest!!
Lazy Day Saturday!!
Chillax, It's Sunday!!
Monday Shindig!!
Teriyaki Tuesday!!!
Wednesday Mania!!!
Live It Up Saturday!!
Tuesday Twists!!!
Willful Wednesday
Thursday Night Chills
Crazy Saturday!!!
Super Cool Monday!!!
Tricky Tuesday!!
Thursday Tumbles!!!
Christmas Merriment!!!
Christmas Cheer Continues!!!
Holiday Cheers For the Weekend!!
Is It Tuesday???
Wishful Wednesday!!!
Happy New Year's Eve Everyone!!!
New Year! New Start!!!
Party on Saturday!!

Let's start with the card packs.

3 Card combo pack 1

So Let's see what we got here. Ooh, a card pack. Now stop screaming. Let's look:

Nice looking card pack it is. A Double Bass dum dum di dum, a Cheap Trumpet para ra pa, and a glamorous looking Curtis. Now all these cards look interesting together and together they bring me 56+ luck, 15 fans, 5 skills, and 1 IM. Cool, right?

3 Card combo pack 2

Let's open another pack. What!! I like opening packs.

Would you look at that? A nerdy looking Derek, a dingy looking (don't mind how it looks) Cheap Horn, and a somewhat usable Cheap Car. Guys, come on, I may explain them differently but they're all cool cards okay. All these cards together give me 12 luck, +135 fans, 150 skills, and 2 IM. Not bad.

3 Card combo pack 3

Another Double Bass! I think it likes me a lot. Nevermind let's look at other cards. Oh, it's The Egor, I mean The Ego, and look, a new card Moon Child. Looks quite a hippie though. As Moon Child is a new Card in my collection I'll add it to this segment. Together this pack gives me 56 luck, 33 fans, skills, and 0 IM. Good.

So, now on to our next special. Oh yes, you know what it is! It's the Moon Child.

People: Moon Child

Now repeat after me - breathe in the peace, breath out the love. Feel better? Of course, you do! It's the Moon Child guys. He'll cast all the bad vibes out. Look at that, he's even showing a peace sign see. See how cool he looks. So what he's a Common Card, he's no common himself, it's a great card and a great musician. He gives me 8 fans, 3 skills, 1 luck, and 0 IM.

“Far out man. Child of the Earth but higher than the moon”

So this is it for today guys. Focus on your Monday works and play Rising Star in between, it's a lot of fun.

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