Holiday Cheers For the Weekend!!

Hey guys! The holiday spirits are still going stronger than ever, and cheers everywhere. I love the holiday season, everything seems extra festive. Well, I'm enjoying my warm cup of cocoa and playing. Oh, you're asking what I'm playing? It's Rising Star guys. It has been a lot of fun. Hit my referral key down below and let’s go:

My Referral

Check out my other posts and see how much progress I have made so far

How about being a rising star?
S5 Mozart: You have it on buying 12 packs for 100,000 starbits!
Open Mic Night & Mid Week Support Slot!
Busking with a License & Midweek Headline Slot!
Saturday Support!
Saturday Headlines!
Radio Interview!
Cold Pizza Slice & Red Lambo!
Radio Studio Session: Local Gig Circuit
Thursday highlights!!
Freaky Friday Fiesta
Hip Hip Hurray!! It's Sunday
Monday Funday
Taco Tuesday!!
Wednesday Addams paying a visit!
Thursday Thunder!!
Friday Fun Fest!!
Lazy Day Saturday!!
Chillax, It's Sunday!!
Monday Shindig!!
Teriyaki Tuesday!!!
Wednesday Mania!!!
Live It Up Saturday!!
Tuesday Twists!!!
Willful Wednesday
Thursday Night Chills
Crazy Saturday!!!
Super Cool Monday!!!
Tricky Tuesday!!
Thursday Tumbles!!!
Christmas Merriment!!!
Christmas Cheer Continues!!!

Peeps, I'm ranking at 67 right now. The game is getting hyped nowadays and more and more players are joining. So before you miss out on the golden opportunity, join in here fast.


3 Card combo pack 1

I know, another pack of cards. This is the first pack of 3 card combo pack. Let's see what's inside.


No more surprises guys. It's a "1 Rare and 2 Common" combo pack. Well, every card matters, that's what I always say, don't I? So Let's see, we got a Cheap Trumpet, French Horn, and another Winston (Rare). This is a great pack of cards. Have I ever mentioned I like the color combination of Winston? Now you know.

3 Card combo pack 2


Oh wow, I got a Lute (Rare). And another Record Producer and Cheap Tour Bus. All three cards are cool, right? I can play the lute when I'm relaxing, record my sessions with the producer, and drive around with the gang when I want to. This sounds like a lot of exciting things. And an exciting game it is too.

Did I tell you guys I'm close to finishing 1000 missions? Oh, yes I have. I have shared that I was done with 900 missions and I checked again today that I completed 983. So very soon I'll cross the 1000 Missions threshold. I'm so excited guys.


You know I'll be back again. So don't miss me too much. See you later. Stay tuned for the next segment.


Play For FREE, Earn StarBits & Trade NFT


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