Warhammer 40k - Unit Review Library 83 - Imperial Knights, Knight Castellan


Hello everyone! Zak Ludick here from Cape Town, South Africa and this is a Warhammer 40k - The Great Unit Review Wheel! post!

Now known as the Unit Review Library!

What is it all about? It is not there to just give a stat. It is there to give MY review of the unit!

In this series, I will review one unit at a time, picking them randomly.

So let me spin the wheel again and see what I get:

Imperial Knights, Knight Castellan

10th Edition Index

The Knight Castellan is one of two Dominus Class Imperial Knights, thus, the bigger of the Knights in the Army. These guys are absolute powerhouses of fire-power!

A Plasma Decimator!
A Volcano Lance!
Shieldbreaker Missiles!

Oh my!

Aggressive War Horn Noises!

This guy would be just over a quarter of your whole army in a normal 2k game at 525pts!

And it costs nearly $200. Obviously...

Let's check their stats!


Movement 8"
Toughness 13
Save 2+/5++(armor/invul/Feel No Pain) * Invul only to Ranged Attacks
Wounds 24
Ld 6+
OC 10


It has a lot of guns! The main guns that cannot be changed are the Plasma Decimator and Volcano Lance. It also has 2 twin meltaguns for close range.

It that has an option for either 2x shieldbreaker missile launchers and 1x twin siegebreaker cannon OR 1x shieldbreaker missile launchers and 2x twin siegebreaker cannons.... but the Shieldbreaker Missiles are better...


Plasma decimator — standard
48" Range, D6+3 Attacks, Hitting on 3+, S8, Ap-2, 2 Damage each
This is already a pretty terrifying profile, capable of killing a small squad of Space Marines in a single volley or badly damaging them at least.

Plasma decimator — supercharge
48" Range, D6+3 Attacks, Hitting on 3+, S9, Ap-3, 3 Damage each
Blast, Hazardous
This weapon, at the chance of doing damage to yourself can now one-shot Terminators (without Storm Shields) or do decent stacks of damage to bigger targets.

But it has even heavier weaponry!

Volcano lance
72" Range, D3 Attacks, Hitting on 3+, S18, Ap-5, D6+8 Damage each
This is a ridiculous weapon! Massive Range, Massive Strength, Huge Armor Piercing and really massive Damage. One-shot against most of the tanks in the game without big preventative measures will be needed!

Shieldbreaker missile launcher
72" Range, 1 Attack, Hitting on 3+, S12, Ap-6, D6+1 Damage each
Anti-titanic 4+, Devastating Wounds
Another amazing weapon. The Castellan can have two of them. Hit on a 3+, S12 wounds most things but against Titanic targets the Wound roll of 4 and above would then trigger Devastating Wounds!
AP-6 is also a killer and then it has the same damage as a Lascannon

Twin siegebreaker cannon
36" Range, D6 Attacks, Hitting on 3+, S6, Ap0, 1 Damage each
A little bit of Anti-Infantry

Twin meltagun
12" Range, 1 Attack, Hitting on 3+, S9, Ap-4, D6 Damage each
Melta 2, Twin-Linked
It has 2 of these for some close range stopping power.


Titanic feet
4 Attacks, Hitting on 4+, S8, Ap-1, 2 Damage each

It is not as scary in melee, it might be worth it to put things into melee with it if it helps it from shooting better even if the things that try to fight it are weak.

It's biggest threat in melee would be Tank Shock, 13 Dice, 5+ to cause mortal wounds to a max of 6. Wound make him scary.


Deadly Demise D6+2

Ion Aegis

While friendly Armigers are within 6" of this model, they gain Benefit of Cover.

Titan Hunter

While shooting at a Vehicle or a Monster, this Knight gets to Re-roll a Damage roll of a 1. A much better chances to make sure the damage is significant!


I love it! I want one! Or maybe more.

It is scary! I would hate to have to face one with my vehicle army with that Volcano Lance!

That makes 4 Imperial Knights Datasheets Reviewed putting them on 19.04% Completed and the total Completed on 8.54% Complete!

Thank you for reading!

Warhammer Review Library

Alphabetical List

FactionUnitReview Number
Adeptus CustodesProsecutors#1
Adeptus CustodesKnight-Centura#54
Adeptus CustodesShield-Captain#61
Adeptus CustodesShield-Captain in Allarus Terminator Armor#70
Adeptus CustodesTrajann Valoris#40
Adeptus MechanicusArchaeopter Fusilave#13
Adeptus MechanicusArchaeopter Stratoraptor#14
Adeptus MechanicusArchaeopter Transvector#15
Adeptus MechanicusBelisarius Cawl#53
Adeptus MechanicusSerberys Raiders#55
Adeptus MechanicusSerberys Sulphurhounds#56
AeldariGuardian Defenders#64
AeldariNight Spinner#65
Astra MilitarumKasrkin#60
Astra MilitarumWyvern#81
Black TemplarsHigh Marshall Helbrecht#38
Black TemplarsMarshall#46
Black TemplarsThe Emperor's Champion#63
Blood AngelsBaal Predator#2
Blood AngelsGabriel Seth#66
Blood AngelsLemartes#32
Chaos DaemonsDaemonettes#29
Chaos DaemonsLord of Change#75
Chaos DaemonsNurglings#82
Chaos KnightsWar Dog Brigands#30
Chaos KnightsWar Dog Executioners#31
Chaos KnightsWar Dog Huntsman#77
Chaos Space MarinesAbbadon the Despoiler#50
Chaos Space MarinesHaarken Worldclaimer#41
Chaos Space MarinesKhorne Lord of Skulls#37
Dark AngelsAsmodai#16
Dark AngelsAzrael#17
Dark AngelsBelial#4
Dark AngelsDeathwing Knights#20
Dark AngelsLazarus#62
Death GuardBiologus Putrifier#5
Death GuardBlightlord Terminators#10
Death GuardChaos Lord#36
Death GuardLord of Contagion#52
Death GuardTallyman#39
Death GuardMalignant Plaguecaster#71
DeathwatchCorvus Blackstar#72
DeathwatchProteus Killteam#57
DeathwatchSpectrus Kill Team#73
Genestealer CultsAberants#47
Genestealer CultsHybrid Metamorphs#58
Genestealer CultsReductus Saboteur#33
Grey KnightsBrother Captain#25
Grey KnightsGrand Master#48
Grey KnightsStrike Squad#51
Imperial AgentsCallidus Assassin#9
Imperial AgentsCulexus Assassin#69
Imperial AgentsVigilant Squad#26
Imperial KnightsCanis Rex#76
Imperial KnightsArmiger Helverin#22
Imperial KnightsArmiger Warglaive#43
Leagues of VotannBrôkhyr Iron-master#27
Leagues of VotannBrôkhyr Thunderkyn#78
Leagues of VotannSagitaur#3
Leagues of VotannÛthar the Destined#44
OrksHunta Rig#28
Space MarinesKayvaan Shrike#23
Space MarinesMarneus Calgar#42
Space MarinesRazorback#21
Space WolvesArjac Rockfist#68
Space WolvesWolf Guard#74
T'au EmpireDarkstrider#12
T'au EmpireKroot Carnivore Squad#19
T'au EmpirePathfinder Team#79
T'au EmpireStealth Battlesuits#67
Thousand SonsExalted Sorcerer#59
Thousand SonsMagnus the Red#49
TyranidsScreamer Killer#24
World EatersWorld Eaters Chaos Spawn#18

Thank you for reading!

** Images in this post are from the Warhammer app.

Tag List:
@aussieninja, @new.things, @alonicus, @dungeondog, @xenowolfza, @riesakashiya, @tomster-17, @exptrader, @borsengelaber, @makerhacks, @jacobtothe, @fredfettmeister, @mirroredspork, @kheldar1982, @surrealis, @oblivioncubed

*PS, Should you wish to be removed or added to the taglist, please let me know!


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