Warhammer 40k - Unit Review Wheel 10 - Death Guard, Blightlord Terminators

Hello everyone! Zak Ludick here from Cape Town, South Africa and this is a Warhammer 40k - The Great Unit Review Wheel! post!

In this series, I will review one unit at a time, picking them randomly.

So let me spin the wheel and see what I get:

Death Guard - Blightlord Terminators

Another Death Guard entry! The Blightlord Terminator is a fearsome foe. They are slower than even the regular Terminator, but they are even Tougher. They have the ability to teleport into the battlefield and then just sit there like a brick that cannot be shifted.

All depends what you need them to do but they have guns and close combat enough to deal with most things.


So while most human Infantry move 6" and Terminators go 5", the Blightlord has a mere 4" Move... this is why they should be teleported within 9" of someone in Turn 2 and then cause trouble.

They are Toughness 6, 3 Wounds each and have a 2+ Save and 4+ Invul. Therefore they can tank most enemy attacks. It really takes a lot to move them. You need to shoot at them like they are a bunch of light vehicles in order to kill them and with a 4+ invul save, whatever you use to harm them better come in good volumes!

Unit Composition and Options

These terminators can be pricey at 330pts but in either case are actually cheaper than Space Marine Terminators!

Either you field them in 5's or 10's, either way their options work in 5's so I would kit them out in 5's and then decide if they should be one squad or two. Tactically speaking, with units this tough it would be better to field 2x 5 man units than 1x 10 man unit, unless you absolutely had to have 10x Terminators get bonus abilities from a Character... I am not sure about that one.

Anyway above you can see you have a bunch of choices. It looks complicated, but its easy:
1x guy gets a Flail of Corruption instead of regular weapons.
1x guy has a Plague Spewer (its like a flamer)
1x guy has a heavy weapon, either the Blight Launcher or a Reaper Autocannon... most people will choose the Reaper
Even though there is option for 3x guys to exchange their Plague Combi-bolters with Combi-weapons, only 2 can if you took the above options. I am not even sure the swap is worth it.

Ranged Weapons

So looking at the little guns first:

Combi Plague vs. Combi-Weapon

2-4 attacks with Lethal Hits or 1-2 attacks with Anti-Infantry 4+/Devastating Wounds.

The former can wound even big targets, the latter is great at causing instant damage to heavy infantry. If there is a lot of Terminators in your meta, the Combi-Weapon is solid. If not... I would stay with the Plague Combi-bolter as the better option.

The Plague Spewer is a no-brainer, D6 Torrent with Anti-Infantry 2+ amazing.

The Reaper Autocannon has 4 shots with Sustained hits 1 and Dev Wounds... the Blight Launcher only does 2 attacks and hits a higher amount of damage, but the range and chance to score Dev Wounds makes the Reaper more appealing.

Melee Weapons

1x Guy has the Flail with Damage 2 and 6 Attacks.

The Bubotic Blades have a higher AP but 1 Damage each.

All the attacks have Lethal Hits, which is an auto-wound on a 6+ which means that these terminators are not afraid of attacking a Dreadnought or Vehicle in Close Combat. They can hurt anything.


At least their Abilities are easy and simple to understand. Re-Roll 1's to Wound if you shoot at the closest enemy unit.

And they have Deep Strike. Even though they are a ranged unit, I would consider Deep Striking them because of their slow movement rate and put them where I want them to stay. Either right in the enemy's chin or on an objective it will take a lot of effort to remove them from!

All in all, they are a solid unit and should not be sniffed at!

Thank you for reading this post! I hope that you enjoyed it!

Warhammer Review Library

Adeptus Custodes

Blood Angels

Dark Angels

Death Guard


Imperial Agents

Leages of Votann


Thank you for reading!

** Images in this post are from the Warhammer app.

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