Warhammer 40k - Unit Review Wheel 22 - Imperial Knights, Armiger Helverin


Hello everyone! Zak Ludick here from Cape Town, South Africa and this is a Warhammer 40k - The Great Unit Review Wheel! post!

In this series, I will review one unit at a time, picking them randomly.

So let me spin the wheel and see what I get:

Imperial Knights - Armiger Helverin

10th Edition Index Cards

Alright! Time for the Imperial Knights to get some Lime-light!

The Imperial Knights are a faction of noble houses who quest and defend the Imperium from all manner of threats... by riding to war in massive robot walkers!

So Awesome!

This is one of the Imperial Factions that I do not have any units for! This will change though... this will change!

The Armigers are the "Footmen" of the Knight Houses and act as the smaller support units. In comparison to most other factions a Armiger is still a big unit. Armiger Helverins are the ranged vassals.


These large Walkers have an 12" Movement, like I said - fast! Just as fast as my swift Razordback in yesterday's post.

Toughness of 10 is more than the Razorback with a 3+ Save and 12 Wounds, much Tougher than the Razorback.

It also has a 5+ Invulerable Save, but only against shooting attacks.


The main weapons of the Helverin are two Helverin Autocannons.

4 shots each so 8 shots in total. Hitting on +3, Strength 9, Ap -1 and Damage 3 flat. These guys can wreck serious damage to light, medium, heavy infantry and light to medium tanks as well.

They have an option of either a Questoris Heavy Stubber or Meltagun as an extra gun.

I would pick the Questoris for its range, you don't want Helverins in close combat where they have nearly no bite at all.

So 36" 3 shots or 6 shots at 18" S4, Ap-1 and 1 Damage is alright for anti-light infantry.

The Meltagun is anti-tank but you need to be within 12" to shoot it and within 6" to get the +2 Damage for the Melta rule. Its one shot, hitting on a 3+ S9 AP-4 and you roll a D6 for Damage. Add 2 if you are within 6" of the target. Though, you don't want a Helverin this close to something you need this gun for!


The Helverins have a simple rule: Skyfire Protocals.

Stay inside your Deployment Zone or within range of an Objective and the Autocannons get Anti-Fly 2+. This means that you can wound a unit with the Fly keyword on a 2+ regardless of their toughness.

Sure, pretty cool against Aircraft like the Adeptus Mechanicus Archaeopters I reviewed before. They have a toughness of 9 so it would be 4+ to Wound them, it would then change to 2+ for critical wounds.

What is EVEN BETTER is if you remember that a LOT of units have the FLY keyword and that something as imposing as a Necron Obelisk with its Toughness 13 and 24 Wounds is then Critically wounded on a 2+ by these guns!

Which is amazing!

Thank you for reading this post! I hope that you enjoyed it!

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Thank you for reading!

** Images in this post are from the Warhammer app.

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