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ecoTrain Question Of The Week #29 TIE UP POST: What do your dreams mean

Welcome to the final QOTW tie up post of the year! .. and what a year its been! We have had our fair share of COVID questions, and of COURSE several great questions relating to community and off grid living. We also had some special esoteric posts.. all of which you guys have been answering so beautifully. It never ceases to amaze me how many of you pick up the QOTW each week, and how much thought and time you put into your answers. The truth is, there are no posts i enjoy reading more on Hive than the QOTW ones! So thank you to everyone who takes part, and makes this community so special for it.

As many of you have by now realised, @acidyo and the @ocd community curation project has brought incredible rewards and up-votes to so many of the posts in the ecoTrain community. This is Such a great initiative, and one that gives and keeps giving. Back in the day of Curie votes you would be lucky to get one.. and then that would be it.. Now it is a real pleasure and honour to be able to regularly direct amazing up-votes to so many of you.. and still keep giving new people too! Nice job guys, really!

So here are the answers to this weeks question! Its full of personal stories and great perspectives.. love it! Oh and don’t miss the FINAL QOTW of 2020, coming out very soon indeed!



I usually don't remember what I've dreamed

Probably this is something a lot of people recognize, not remembering what they've been dreaming about. Most of the time I wake up, feeling like crap after a shitty night filled with weird dreams. This is what happens most nights for a few months. I'm kind of used to it by now, lol.

Often I can't point my finger to the weirdness of my dreams when I wake up feeling wrecked. I have noticed that there's an increase in weird dreams at night whenever I feel it's too cold to sleep with the window open.

The nights that I open the window, I wake up far more rested and also have less strange dreams during the night. Or I just can't remember the dreams at all.

When I remember, there always seems to be a message

I notice that the times when I do remember the dreams, they are either very pleasant and make me happy, or they are so weird or scary that they freaked me out and that's why I can't let go of them, and remember exactly what happened. There's actually no in between, like a normal happy dream that's not giving me the extreme feeling of joy or the opposite: the nightmares that freak me out even hours after I woke up. I often wonder why that is?

Sometimes though, I wake up because I need to pee and felt that I have unfinished business in my dreams, so I decide to go back to sleep to try to "finish the dream" to get some answers. Last week I had one of these mornings where that happened. I think the reason this dream came forward out of curiosity and kept me busy even in my subconsciousness. It was not a special topic, but I had been asking out loud every day for a few weeks what's happening at the neighbor's place and for some reason, I had the weirdest dream about this (this "answer" can not be true lol). But I realized that I was so curious that my subconsciousness was also trying to find answers lol.


Dreams say a lot. But in what sense do we take dreams? Dreams are deeply related to the meaning of our lives, but is it true that dreams come true? What is the significance of the nightmares we have in our lives? Many questions are linked to our dreams.
But this is as true as daylight. Everyone's dreams are different and their realities are different. A dream is also what we see with awake eyes. The dream of doing something good and the dream of victory and the dream of success in heights and business.
As the saying goes, always dream big, dream small, then sleep well.
Our lives are centered around the fulfillment of dreams. We dream from morning to evening and strive to achieve them.
But I share with you a very unique theory. And if you take a closer look at your life character and your daily thinking, you will have the opportunity to understand a lot.


There are two kinds of dreams in our life which are a part of our life. For example, if I want to be a successful lawyer, my dream will be to be the best lawyer in the world and be recognized in the world as a lawyer or other such dreams that will be different for everyone.
There is another kind of dream. When we sleep at night and fall into a deep sleep, we see some scenes that we cannot see in real life.
And sometimes we see strange things in our sleeping dreams.
I am expressing my views on this subject today.


When I was younger, I was fascinated by those books that interpreted your dreams. I wanted to understand what my mind/soul was trying to communicate with me, to understand the journey that I was under taking. To be honest, I had no idea what was happening to me when I was dreaming, where I was travelling to or what my dreams meant.

I can't say that much has changed. I'm still not really sure where I go to, each night.

It doesn't help that most of the books I read, seem to interpret our dreams differently. In the end I gave up reading them, because like everything in life, all things affect us differently. So how could I really take someone else's understanding as my own! Surely it is up to me, to figure out my own dreams. A journey I need to undertake myself.


Dreams have a lot to do with our worries, our desires, our concerns, it is usually like that, however in dreams we can find revelations, answers and solutions to situations that our mind keeps, when we have and feel we have a strong connection with the divinity we can achieve benefits through our dreams; we must be attentive to the signs and messages that are found in our dreams. Sleep is also a time to rest, but some dreams can be a reason for tears, fear, and uncertainty, sometimes you can feel that dreams cross that intangible world strongly touching our sensitivity and producing emotions that overflow our being "magically".

I have always felt a connection with God, who takes care of me in a special way, i have experienced that many times in my life., so many times! I am very grateful for his love and continuous care, even when I have fallen strongly from my "perfect place" as a result of my decisions, I have always listened to his silent voice that speaks to me: through other people and even guides me through my dreams, he has responded to me many times in dreams, he always finds a way to keep the light on my path.


Dreams are an important aspect of us because it's a huge part of our sub-conscious state when our bodies are at rest. One thing about the human psychological anatomy is the fact that our mind is always working irrespective of if we're awake or asleep and the vivid images, the things we see, the places we travel to, the unlimitation of how we can travel, the images we picture and the vividity of such experiences is what makes up our dreams. In reality, there are endless explanation and meanings or synonymous ideas which we humans relate to the concept of dreaming but then, the truth is that our dreams are a bigger mystery, far more than we even know it and irrespective of this, one way or the other, we have found diverse ways with which we place meanings to every of our dreams.

Irrespective of how much we believe in this physical reality, there's no doubting the existence of other realities out there, now death in itself is another form of reality, our sub- conscience state is another form of reality and this is because these diverse places accommodate or house the human component in it's totality in different states or different forms. This is to explain that dreams are real, they're a diverse representation of us in a different format, a different realm and the fact that we can wake up to remember our dreams is the reason why we must understand that our dreams is us, our mind travelling to places where our physical bodies is limited from accessing or channeling.


I had a dream a long time ago that exists in my real life and this encourages me to write my story about it today.

I have been quite so busy and even until now. The pandemic changes many things adding workloads but I am still grateful that we are safe here and my family in my homeland.

A dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. The content and purpose of dreams are not fully understood, although they have been a topic of scientific, philosophical, and religious interest throughout recorded history. Wikipedia

When I was 13 years old I dreamed of climbing the highest mountain somewhere. That was a place nowhere I don't know. I was starving, crying, crawling just to reach up above. I saw my goal of reaching the highest peak. There was a voice telling me not to look back. So I continue with my highest hope and goal.


Our dreams are a clear reflection of our state of mind. What goes on in our waking conditions clearly reflects in our dreams. I am a person who very closely associate with my dreams.

From all my experiences I strongly believe that my higher-self connects with me in my dreams and gives me the messages it wants to. Over a period of time, I have realized that my dreams do not only represent my state of mind but they also to a large extent give me a peak in my future and also gives me warning signals of any dangers.

Before I used to not be very mindful about my dreams, but in the last few years I have clearly observed that most of the events that happen in my life, I have got an indication of it much before they actually happen. But the point is about the interpretation. In the last few years, I have been studying and analyzing dreams and to a large extent now I am able to interpret the messages that I dream of.


Dreams are a kind of fictional event. Which we feel in our sleep. When dreaming, it seems like reality. That is why we cry when we dream of sorrow. When we dream of happiness again, we laugh in our sleep. Again, when we have a frightening dream, we jump up and tremble with fear.

Again, some memories of an event in the past are involved in the imagination in different ways and change into possible-impossible events.

A lot of times we think more about that during the day. In our sleep at night we dream about that. Again many times it is seen, that we think about the matter before going to sleep. That thing comes into our dreams.It is part of an event in the past that we see as a dream, or we dream about what we think. But not all the time. We often have some dreams. Which often happens later in reality. The dream gives us no indication beforehand.


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