Our hearts have an electromagnetic field 60 times the strength of our brains. Some say that it is the seat of our emotions, and we almost unanimously associate our heart space as the location of our love and many emotions. Perhaps instinctively we know that our hearts are the source of a great power? How could our emotions be powerful? How do they work? Are our emotions capable of changing things, even matter? Many people and scientists have been engaged in researching these questions for many years now, and the results are starting to demonstrate the similarities and shared knowledge between science and spirituality and ancient wisdom.
Our world is made of electrical and magnetic fields, and when you change them you can change atoms. The strongest electrical and magnetic field in the body is our heart. When we have a feeling we create waves of electromagnetic feelings / energy that change our world on the physical level. This has been proven by science and this is what our ancients knew and understood and is what they left us in their texts in their temples. Beliefs change our physical world. Beliefs change matter itself. The power of human emotion is a powerful language that many cultures know very well and science used to discount 400 years ago. Science is simply a language that describes our relationship to the world in technical terms. Our science is still incomplete, and so when we marry it with our ancient knowledge and wisdom we can embark on a great leap in human evolution and understanding.
Science is just starting to understand these fields, and we already have several names that science is using to describe them such as the zero point field and quantum mechanics. We are just starting to remember that everything is connected, and our thoughts and feelings have far reaching effects across the entire universe. We can not underestimate the power of our emotions, which are a product of our thoughts and feelings. This is an incredible thing to understand, because it can help us to understand our world, and have great effect on it.
This week we delve into this great topic, but don’t worry, im not expecting or wanting anyone to become particle physicists. Instead this weeks question asks not HOW are emotions so powerful but WHICH emotions are most powerful! The answer to this intriguing question lies in your hearts! I don't want you to try to figure this out intellectually, instead just write without thinking, why YOU think certain emotions are more powerful. As always we love to hear some personal stories about how you can relate this question to things that may have happened in your life. This is a strange question in a way, and not easy i must admit, but i have a feeling you guys will be up to the challenge! I genuinely look forward to reading your responses!
I would like to add, i have made the assumption here that our emotions do indeed have some kind of power. If you don't agree with this assumption then this may not be the question for you.. although i always welcome a contrarian view so feel free to post why you think emotions are not powerful if you so wish ;-)
"Q. Which of our emotions are most powerful?
- We welcome everyone to join us and post your answer to this QOTW.
- Your answer can be a written post, a video, or any way you wish to express yourself.
- You can change any names or locations if you prefer.
- You can post anytime from now until Wednesday 16th December
- You must Subscribe to the ecoTrain Community to post.
Please also post a link to your post in the comments so that I will be sure to find it and add it to the weekly tie-up post.
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