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ecoTrain Question Of The Week Tie Up Post S7#1: What if a genie ...

Thank you for all your magical and transformative posts! I lost count this week, but what an incredibly varied set of answers you had. Of COURSE some of you are already perfect and no need to change anything.. congratulations! And of course many of us have all kinds of things we would like to reinvent.. Im glad so many of you took the time and were inspired enough to give this some thought and post. Oh i thought id mention that a few of you wrote the title with the word genius instead genie. Maybe it was the translators, or maybe you never heard of a genie before. If you like you can see a genie at the end of this post!

I would like to share some snippets from your post in this tie up posts..

Those short and meaningful sentences can sometimes say so much!



It is to be more patient in coaching, mentoring, and sincerely helping the people who have failed in their micro-enterprises


Now I make the decision to be in peace, calm and tranquility so that everything flows perfectly and the Universe can decipher my message so that I can be in genuine connection.


I will go by saying that the I am grateful for life, with the challenge facing everyday and how the world economic is running now, being a life is a thing of joy and one of the Paramount which any man should be grateful for.


I am also gratitude for being able to understand what is good and what is wrong, wrong and good.


If a Genie can do some magic to work on my mind and make me more flexible to change, it will be surely a big gift of life for me.


I wouldn't change anything from my past, I would only ask for a brighter future.


Reinventing myself should start from going into business at my early age. I think that's one thing I would have loved I had done earlier in life.


I would also like to have distanced myself from some people and relationships that were toxic and harmful to me.


The wish I would like to ask from the genie is real happiness


I would become an instrument of peace, for my words would be perfect in every way and those words would touch everyone's heart.


I will know when to do a particular thing and the best time to do it, the evil behind certain actions, and the reward and things to abstain from to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


one favor that is I will like to be 10 years behind time with every current technology and economic situation in my heart.


I would like to change and stop procrastinating, be a person of routines.


my desire would be to be a millionaire to help those who are in a state of vulnerability.


I would ask him to help me make a change in my image, to be able to project myself better, a new look, and then ask him to reinvent myself in my professional stage, which has not been anything good.


I would ask the genius to do it in my professional life and work on what I always wanted to do.


The beauty of life is that regardless of our physical condition or our social status every day we have a new opportunity to be a better version of you. Just go for it and enjoy the process.


I would also seek help so that I would not make a mistake in any decision now or in the future. Because if nothing goes wrong in my life now or in the future, then everything will be perfect for me.


I want to be reinvented as the person that I always had to be but have still not become - tenacious. Like a flower growing from a rock - tenacious. I want to be reinvented as someone who kept at it. Who found the love of grays of life before the first gray hair popped out of my head. I want to be the person that sticks through the thick and finds joy in it.


I would ask Him to give me all the natural tools to purify and regenerate my organism making me more conscious of what I must do to preserve myself.


Something that I've always wanted from childhood on, is curly hair.


If I get a chance to sort myself out, I would like to give first priority to medical in my studies.


I would answer him that I am satisfied but not satisfied, but that the inconformity is not for what I have stopped having but for the short time I have left to continue doing it and that I do not ask for more years of life because that decision is only in God's hands.


I would ask the genie to give my mouth the power to be able to comfort those who mourn or those who need to be consoled.


I want every man to think positive to leave in peace.


The opportunity to have whatever I wanted, I would wish only to remain on this path, to continue to empower myself and my children.


There are no magic formulas or shortcuts, I am one of those who believe that the only coherent strategy is to continue on the path towards the realisation of your dreams.


It would be amazing if we all could have our own personal Genie to make "a better version" of ourselves but maybe there is a tiny Genie sleeping in each and every one of us waiting to be awaken and grant our wishes. :)


If you would like to see the moment aladdin meets his genie, here it is!

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