2022 Retrospective


Well, we made it. 2022 is done, and it was one hell of a ride. Time for the first Power Up Day of 2023! I managed a successful Power Up Month yet again thanks to a blend of posts at 100% HP rewards and remembering to power up 1 HP on days I didn't post anything. Speaking of posting, I think I did OK despite taking about a week off for Christmas. I wrote about:

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As for the year in review, along with my November restrospective, here are the links reviewing posts from October, September, August, July, June, and May. I dropped the ball for March & April, but more on that in a moment. First, I did write a review of my activity in February and January. Thanks to a screenshot way back then, it looks like I've managed to grow my Hive Power by about 7,000. While we all wish Crypto were going gangbusters again, I'm more than content with that regardless of the price.

As for the missing months, why not fill in the gap? I'll switch to regular chronology instead of the reverse method used above because I can.



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And there's an entire year's worth of posts. What a year it was. It seemed to fly by, and yet that content also feels like almost a lifetime ago. 2020 was the year of COVID, HIVE splitting from Steemit, protests, and elections. 2021 saw continuing COVID and partisan tension, and some chaos in my personal life. 2022, though, was war in Ukraine, COVID policies becoming more and more nonsensical, social media censorship hitting new highs, a real-life supervillain buying Twitter, cryptocurrency bear markets, inflation hitting home, mid-term elections, and so much more. It's felt like a non-stop onslaught, and I'm not even in the war zone.

Especially in the months where I wasn't really in the retrospective routine yet, I was posting a lot to encourage people to be better prepared. We have no idea what 2023 will be, so let me reiterate: build an emergency kit. Store some food. Examine your home and mitigate risks from fire, flood, and other disasters. Make plans for both sheltering in place and evacuation. Start learning to cook at home if you don't do so already. Get out of debt. Save. Invest in practical independence where you can. Everything is always uncertain, but the last three years have made it obvious how unstable life can be, so please be prepared.

But notice also that I try not to dwell on this misery. A lot of my complaint posts are a bit tongue-in-cheek, and I also focus on hobbies and games. No matter how bad it gets, we can find joy and contentment in simple things every day, too. And while I haven't written much on the topic, I have also been pursuing personal enrichment through study. School is imposed upon us during our youth, but education is a life-long opportunity. Dig into philosophy, language, science, music, or whatever else grabs your interest. Reignite that spark of curiosity.

I don't really do the whole "New Year's Resolution" thing. My screen resolution is 1080p, and that'll stay the same. That's all you get. But I have already been weaning myself off of social media. I'm sick of what Web2 became. Web3 is where I plan to be most often. Let the markets sort themselves out. I'm here on HIVE for the long haul.

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