HIVE goals for February 2022

monthly author badge

Before setting any goals for February, let's take a quick look back at January. All told, I had a good start to the year.

I earned my 4th monthly author badge on @HiveBuzz, although I fell short of the Power Up Month challenge due to a software glitch on PeakD switching a post from 100% payout to 50/50. If you revert scheduled posts to drafts for further editing and additions, don't forget to double-check the post rewards setting in the advanced options!

I also feel like I managed to meet my own post quality standards despite the volume of writing. I continued my Anarchist Toolbox series with a post about Socratic dialogue, I finished my series on firearms for survival, I tried new recipes, shared library tales, reviewed a few beers, talked Magic, and generally spouted off about a lot of things that were on my mind.

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I have had a good month overall for account growth as a result of consistent posting and curation. Rewards are never guaranteed for either venture, and I don't upvote based on any particular strategy. I support a few creators regularly, browse some communities, and sometimes remember to upvote a bunch of people in the @Curie Author Showcase posts.

I also still manually curate. No bot votes from me, and I read pretty much everything I upvote. I should comment more in the future, though, and that's a good segue into goals. I make no promises, of course, because the future is always unknown, but experts say setting goals is important.

First, I do not plan to post daily again. Creating that much content while meeting my own quality standards takes a lot of work. I also have some offline projects which require my attention.

I do plan to work on some larger writing projects. Switching from a daily posting schedule will also allow me to spend some time gaming and taking screenshots for reviews, work through some more complicated essays I have in mind, and maybe go on a few day trips for small adventures and smartphone photography opportunities.

I do intend to comment more on the posts I curate, and upvote more comments I read. I believe we need to promote more interaction, and rewarding those who already contribute to conversations is my small way to signal for more of it.

I do plan to continue posting fairly regularly, and power up at least 1 HIVE each day. I want one of those Power Up Month badges! I have enough liquid HIVE to make it work.

I already resumed delegating to @Ecency. It's only a token sum right now, because I don't want to dilute my own vote power too much due to the aforementioned comment curation plans, but I will probably increase it.

I make no claims to great wisdom or expertise, but I want to foster more conversation and debate here while maintaining the general civility we have on our platform. I do plan to contribute toward productive dialogue on all topics. What about you? How will you plan your growth here, or anywhere else on the web? Comments are always welcome.

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If you're not on Hive yet, I invite you to join through PeakD. If you use my referral link, I'll even delegate some Hive Power to help you get started.

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