Please Don't Chew On My Sleeve!

Librarians find themselves saying the strangest things sometimes, usually because people can just be weird. In this case, I was helping one boy find more books in a series he liked. While I was searching our online catalog, I felt something tugging at my sleeve. I looked down to see a smaller boy of perhaps 4 calmly gnawing on my plaid flannel shirt, leading to the admonishment with which I entitled this post.

sleeve bite.png
Thanks to Pixabay for the boy and plaid elements

"Please don't chew on my sleeve!" I surprised myself by managing to speak so calmly instead of snapping something more like, "What the **** do you think you are doing, you little ****?" My manager was in earshot, and was perplexed by my utterance, so she had to hear the full story. She was amused, to say the least.

Kids can be obnoxious. There's careless community puzzle destruction, roughhousing in the stacks, coffee chaos, and the like, but sometimes those little monsters just do things that make you wonder what on earth they could possibly be thinking. What is your best inexplicable child behavior story? Parents, librarians, teachers, or bewildered bystanders are all welcome to chime in with a comment, or even a link to your own post with a longer story!


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