Fred's Folly

I think I'll take another shot at #freewriters hosted by @mariannewest, and today's prompt, "garden tower." Image by Awsloley on Pixabay. My title refers to an architectural folly, a kind of decorative structure often built in the Very Fancy Designs of aristocratic formal gardens.


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Little Fred decided one day to stop just digging in the dirt, and start building a garden tower. Many rocks had been set aside when the garden was first tilled, and more kept cropping up every year, so there was a massive pile which had accumulated over the years.

Many rocks were too big to lift, but Freddie managed to roll several round stones into a circle. Then he carefully wedged smaller rocks in between to make his foundation. As the sun set, he was pleased. His mother was less pleased with the filth he had accumulated, but at least he was outside getting exercise instead of watching TV all day!

The next morning, Fred ran outside and started building. He had dreamed all night about building his tower so tall he could see across the river and into the far forest, but that would take time. He continued stacking stones one-by-one all day until it was as high as he could reach. What next, he wondered.

He would need to get help. He decided his friends


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Three paragraphs and a sentence. Meh. Fred's friends are unnamed, his mother has not discovered the construction project, and no mystical happenings have happened. Feel free to continue the story if you have any ideas yourself.

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