August Retrospective and September Plans

Looking ahead and looking back.

I don't feel like I've started a month properly anymore unless I continue this retrospective and plan trend. I skipped the HIVE power up month, and I am unsure whether I will revive that habit. I did join the Power Up Day by boosting back most of the Hive Power I drew down, since the market hasn't recovered to the point where I want to buy back into HBD. I do have a few small trades set as a sort of trend signal if prices spike. We'll see.

As I anticipated, I posted a lot less. Rewards were lower as a result. That's the tradeoff. No surprise there. I wrote three library stories, plus one that is technically a September post by UTC reckoning. I also celebrated my 6th blockchain birthday, reviewed a beer, shared my backpack project, ranted about "student loan forgiveness," and dabbled in photography. That's about it.

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For September, I have a few ideas, but no big plans. I still need to tell about the camping trip that didn't happen, and what my friends and I did instead. There's also an automotive near-disaster story that might be worth telling. I have a couple PC games I might review. And there's a lot of noise about the student loan debacle I may want to address more directly. The archive project has stalled. It's a lot of work, and I lose interest easily. I may or may not resume supporting newcomers curated by the LoveSniper project.

Sorry about the ambiguity, but such is life at the moment. I have distractions outside the blockchain sphere of my life right now. The absence of engagement is also trying at times. I like upvotes, but am I just shouting into the void, or are there real readers?

I still plan to lurk, curate, and comment regardless.

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Here's an experimental idea: music links and podcast episodes which formed my writing soundtrack or occupied my time off the blockchain.

I'm listening to this atypical atmospheric tune as I write this post.

One of my favorite podcasters, Prof CJ, retired from his career in academia. He's starting to ramp up his recording efforts now that he's gone independent, and his guest appearance on the Godarchy podcast led me to discover that series. I started at its beginning, and it offers some challenging perspectives on mainstream beliefs taken for granted in the church, especially in the US.

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