My Journey Through the Graphite World - Gospel of Matthew, chapter 27.

A person who picks up a pencil probably can't always find the right way to apply the first graphite stroke on a white sheet of paper at least that's what happens to me.

It seems like you want to draw there is some idea, but this idea can be a bit vague unless you decide to draw a pot with a bouquet of flowers which you have previously placed in front of you on the table.

I don't draw still lifes, although perhaps, this is interesting and fruitful work but I like to draw immaterial objects that appear in my imagination.

For example I am interested in reading a chapter of the Bible or the Gospel thinking about it and imagining a picture of what is happening and drawing an illustration of the main point of this chapter and today I want to present you with a drawing-illustration of the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 27.

I drew Pontius Pilate and Jesus Christ at the moment of their short conversation before the sentencing.

More precisely before Pontius Pilate announces to the Jews gathered in the palace courtyard that he washes his hands and hands Jesus Christ over to the Jews for judgment.

You can think about this chapter a lot and learn a lot of new things for yourself.

For example you cannot be a politician a person in power and a judge at the same time.

Yes, in such a situation it is very difficult to be a fair judge which Pontius Pilate wanted to be in fact he was fair but politics and power subdued justice.

He could not allow a riot among the Jews as a politician, he was afraid of losing his warm place as a person in power, but he did not see the crime of Jesus Christ deserving the death penalty as a judge.

A very difficult situation that I decided to illustrate.

If the situation were to repeat itself today everything would happen exactly the same because the one who holds power today tramples justice.

With a gesture of the thumb down which was a sign of death penalty I tried to show Pontius Pilate's explanation to Jesus of what awaited him if he did not renounce everything he had said and bow down to the Jews in confession.

I had to stand in front of a mirror to understand how Pontius Pilate's gestures would look.

Not everything went smoothly at first but I took my time and corrected my mistakes in the drawing.

My main goal was to show all the tragedy and inevitability of this situation.

At some point I decided that the work was finished and I was able to put the pencil on the table.

Below you can see a list of links to my works in graphite.

Enjoy watching and reading!

Zoom in on a photo for a closer view.

Links to a collection of my drawings in my posts:

  1. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Sequoia

  2. My Journey Through the Graphite World - On the edge of the world.

  3. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Dogmas about dinosaurs.

  4. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Quiet happiness.

  5. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Noah saw the land.

  6. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Rural Evryday Life.

  7. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Chapter Nine Genesis..

  8. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Keep the warmth in your heart.

  9. My Journey Through the Graphite World - The genealogy of the sons of Noah.

  10. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Human Pride.

  11. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Fisherman.

  12. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Abraham is on his way to Egypt.

  13. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Hammerhead shark.

  14. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Christmas in the village.

  15. My Journey Through the Graphite World - All inclusive.

  16. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Sunny day.

  17. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Market day.

  18. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Chef.

  19. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Sweet dream of a fisherman

  20. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Simple happiness.

  21. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Hunter and prey.

  22. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Mushroom pickers.

  23. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Mushroom season.

  24. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Hummingbird.

  25. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Good morning!

  26. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Genesis Chapter 13

  27. My Journey Through the Graphite World - The good, the bad, the ugly

  28. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Rural life

  29. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Genesis Chapter 14

  30. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Genesis Chapter 15 - God's promises to Abraham

  31. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Genesis Chapter 16 - Hagar and the angel.

  32. My Journey Through the Graphite World - How I drew a slug.

  33. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Beekeeper.

  34. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Genesis Chapter 17.

More to come!

Enjoy viewing the photos and reading the article!

Have a blessed day!

Category:Art, drawing, illustration.
Tools:Graphite pencils B3, B6, B8, HB and 2=HB, eraser, sharpener.
The format of a sheet of paper, canvas:Sheet of paper A5.
Author:Author @barski. In my publications you will see only my author's works.

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