My Journey Through the Graphite World - Genesis Chapter 13

Drawing as a rule is a means to show your mood sometimes, to occupy your time with something so that it flies by and sometimes it is a serious matter.

In any case it is a relatively simple task when there is such a factor as inspiration without it drawing something that you imagine in your mind is very difficult.

Namely when a drawing is the fruit of thoughts and not a copy of something the drawing turns into something responsible because I want my thoughts to be understandable to those who will look at my drawing.

Although sometimes copying-scaling can also be very responsible like for example when my children were in school and they needed to enlarge a tiny image in textbooks to the size of an A1 poster it was a responsible matter for me but it does not bring as much pleasure as a drawing which is unique as a thought flashing through your head.

Since December 2022, when I first decided to draw on paper using graphite pencils a time of responsibility has come for me that was very closely intertwined with the pleasure of the result of my work.

It was very pleasant to watch how one drawing became better than another how events developed from simple to more complex how one drawing technique replaced another or complemented another drawing technique.

I try to be especially responsible when illustrating chapters of the Bible and an image of how I understand this or that chapter of the Holy Scripture starting with the Book of Genesis appears on paper.

And today I want to present you with my drawing which is an illustration of my thoughts after reading Chapter 13 of the Book of Genesis.

In this chapter we learn that Abraham being blessed and very rich returns from Egypt to his homeland.

In Abraham's family lived his nephew Lot who was Abraham's assistant in everything but acquired his own herds of cattle and decided to become independent from his uncle.

This can be seen as a kind of betrayal and greed because Lot dreamed of getting very fertile lands for grazing cattle in his possession and a conversation about this between Abraham and Lot took place.

Abraham did not make a scandal no he was a modest and a little timid person who sometimes even had a tendency to cowardice you remember that he told the Egyptian pharaoh that Abraham's wife Sarah was not a wife at all but a sister so as not to lose his life because the pharaoh really liked Saara and he could order the death of Abraham and all his relatives.

So Abraham sent Lot away with his flocks to better lands and he himself remained with what he had and this was his great wisdom because we do not know what will be a blessing for us and what will become a curse for us.

When I decided to draw this plot it was important for me to do what I do not like to do and this is about drawing people lol but at the same time I wanted to draw Abraham and Lot simple people imperfect like Greek gods or athletes which can often be seen in the paintings of artists who illustrated chapters of the Bible for example this can be seen in the paintings of Gusteph Doré.

Almost all the characters in his paintings have an ideal physique like those who do not leave the gym and sit on a protein diet and their faces suggest a relationship with Antinous.

But reading the Bible I see that the people whom God chose close to his heart were not perfect sometimes they were those who were mocked who were shunned who were nobodies in society but he was dear to the Creator.

A person's appearance and character are often like the off-season when we cannot fully appreciate the dignity of nature at first glance therefore Abraham and Lot do not look like superheroes in my illustrations.

I drew Abraham and Lot sitting under a dry fig tree in its shade.

Abraham drew a line in the sand that delimits the lands between Abraham and Lot but this did not become a boundary in Abraham's good attitude towards Lot you know that later when Lot is captured Abraham will come to his aid.

I don't know what exactly was going on in Abraham's soul at that moment but he probably had to weigh a lot and incline his heart towards meekness.

So, having started working on the drawing on December 28, 2022 I put it aside several times switching my attention to other drawings, and by January 10, 2023, I decided that the work was complete and could replenish my collection of drawings.

I do not exclude that perhaps at some point I will make adjustments to this work but for now it will become another illustration that I have drawn.

You can see my previous drawings by clicking on the links below which are located in chronological order.

Enjoy viewing and reading!

Zoom in on a photo for a closer view.

Links to a collection of my drawings in my posts:

  1. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Sequoia

  2. My Journey Through the Graphite World - On the edge of the world.

  3. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Dogmas about dinosaurs.

  4. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Quiet happiness.

  5. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Noah saw the land.

  6. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Rural Evryday Life.

  7. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Chapter Nine Genesis..

  8. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Keep the warmth in your heart.

  9. My Journey Through the Graphite World - The genealogy of the sons of Noah.

  10. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Human Pride.

  11. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Fisherman.

  12. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Abraham is on his way to Egypt.

  13. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Hammerhead shark.

  14. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Christmas in the village.

  15. My Journey Through the Graphite World - All inclusive.

  16. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Sunny day.

  17. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Market day.

  18. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Chef.

  19. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Sweet dream of a fisherman

  20. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Simple happiness.

  21. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Hunter and prey.

  22. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Mushroom pickers.

  23. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Mushroom season.

  24. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Hummingbird.

  25. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Good morning!

More to come!

Enjoy viewing the photos and reading the article!

Have a blessed day!

Category:Art, drawing, illustration.
Tools:Graphite pencils B3, B6, B8, HB and 2=HB, eraser, sharpener.
The format of a sheet of paper, canvas:Sheet of paper A5.
Author:Author @barski. In my publications you will see only my author's works.

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