My Journey Through the Graphite World - Hummingbird.

I have always had great respect for people who can spend a lot of their time and patience on such work such as building a model ship in a bottle or something similar in any area of ​​​​hobbies and life in general.

I probably having sat for an hour or two in front of a bottle with tweezers in my hand would most likely break the bottle and the part of the ship that I had already managed to build and throw it all in the trash can and forget about this hobby forever.

Approximately this is how I treated the drawings that required fine work I always considered myself a plot artist for whom action and meaning are more important than Swarovski crystals which one after another take their place in the embrace of metal.

But the time came when I decided to change this and try to force myself to work on a drawing that required meticulous and fine work, and the drawing called "Hummingbird" is probably the first of them.

I drew this picture on paper using a graphite pencil on January 08, 2023.

The idea of ​​this picture seems extremely simple I decided to draw a hummingbird but this is an absolutely imaginary bird that I tried to draw in my mind and remember what I once saw about a hummingbird and in a not very simple perspective when the beak of the bird will not become its autograph and you know that the beak of a hummingbird is thin long like a slightly curved needle.

In my childhood and some people today they think that the "Hawk Moth" butterfly is a hummingbird of our latitudes but this butterfly has nothing in common with a hummingbird and this would not help me in my work and there are no other lol "hummingbirds" in our area.

Yes, hypothetically I could look up what a hummingbird looks like on Google find out how it works, and copy it but I would be fooling my viewers and even worse lol I would be trying to fool myself which I definitely won't do.

It's very important to me that everything I draw is completely original and just a product of my thoughts and memory.

I'll be honest at that moment I hated working on every imaginable feather of this bird and it seemed to me that this work would never end.

But, thank God I saw the light at the end of the graphite tunnel and was able to depict everything I planned.

When I was done with the bird I decided to create a certain atmosphere of a tropical forest which is typical for the places where hummingbirds live.

While I still have doubts about whether I need to depict the forest thicket behind the bird in perspective or whether this mass of trees will swallow up the small bird and distract attention I don’t know maybe with time I will decide to supplement this drawing with something else but for now this is a memory of the day when I decided to break my preferences in the field of drawing and break my laziness working differently than usual until that moment.

This drawing has become an addition to my collection of author's drawings that you can see by clicking on the links to my posts about each drawing in chronological order from the first to the last.

Zoom in on a photo for a closer view.

Links to a collection of my drawings in my posts:

  1. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Sequoia

  2. My Journey Through the Graphite World - On the edge of the world.

  3. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Dogmas about dinosaurs.

  4. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Quiet happiness.

  5. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Noah saw the land.

  6. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Rural Evryday Life.

  7. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Chapter Nine Genesis..

  8. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Keep the warmth in your heart.

  9. My Journey Through the Graphite World - The genealogy of the sons of Noah.

  10. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Human Pride.

  11. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Fisherman.

  12. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Abraham is on his way to Egypt.

  13. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Hammerhead shark.

  14. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Christmas in the village.

  15. My Journey Through the Graphite World - All inclusive.

  16. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Sunny day.

  17. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Market day.

  18. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Chef.

  19. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Sweet dream of a fisherman

  20. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Simple happiness.

  21. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Hunter and prey.

  22. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Mushroom pickers.

  23. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Mushroom season.

More to come!

Enjoy viewing the photos and reading the article!

Have a blessed day!

Category:Art, drawing, illustration.
Tools:Graphite pencils B3, B6, B8, HB and 2=HB, eraser, sharpener.
The format of a sheet of paper, canvas:Sheet of paper A5.
Author:Author @barski. In my publications you will see only my author's works.

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