My Journey Through the Graphite World - Genesis Chapter 14

What could be easier than taking a pencil in hand and drawing something on a piece of paper?

For some this is true but for others, or in some special situation this can be a very difficult task especially since the case requires me to be extremely precise in expressing the situation I want to depict.

As a rule I encounter something similar when I want to depict an illustration for chapters of the Bible.

But these difficulties do not always arise some biblical stories are somewhat understandable and some of them require a lot of thought.

Moreover some chapters of the Bible can be illustrated with one drawing and for some of them for example chapter 14 of the book of Genesis two illustrations will be required.

I did just that I divided chapter 14 into two parts the first of them tells us about a terrible battle when nine kings and kingdoms participated in a battle four against five.

And the second part which you will not see in my drawing today tells how Abraham learned about Lot’s captivity and went to his rescue.

Before I started working on the first part of illustrating the fourteenth chapter of the book of Genesis I drew battle scenes in a school notebook with a ballpoint pen during boring lessons but it was not a serious occupation and the drawings were more than a mockery of what can be called a drawing.

As I said in my previous posts I do not like to draw people and horses I do not like to draw but here both people and horses had to meet in one battle.

All characters are fictitious and every movement is just a figment of the imagination without very solid skills in drawing these objects but if you do not start drawing what you do not like to draw then you will not learn to do it, therefore I decided to take a risk realizing that a lot of criticism will fall on me but I look at it completely calmly.

You can read the Bible a hundred times and each time something new will be revealed perhaps one day I will see this scene differently and what I call an illustration today will become a "sketches". I hope so.

While working on the drawing I had many difficult moments when I mercilessly worked with a rubber eraser destroying everything that had already appeared on the paper but war is a merciless occupation.

For the most part it was important for me to find a connection between what I read in the fourteenth chapter of Genesis with what I draw like a power line that connects an energy facility with the end consumer of electricity.

A lot of time has passed since January 20023 when I put my pencils on what I thought was a ready drawing at that time, but for now I am not ready for further work on the drawing or for the cardinal changes that I could make to it.

For now this illustration is lying in a folder next to many other drawings and waiting for its time.

You can see my previous drawings by following the links below.

Zoom in on a photo for a closer view.

Links to a collection of my drawings in my posts:

  1. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Sequoia

  2. My Journey Through the Graphite World - On the edge of the world.

  3. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Dogmas about dinosaurs.

  4. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Quiet happiness.

  5. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Noah saw the land.

  6. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Rural Evryday Life.

  7. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Chapter Nine Genesis..

  8. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Keep the warmth in your heart.

  9. My Journey Through the Graphite World - The genealogy of the sons of Noah.

  10. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Human Pride.

  11. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Fisherman.

  12. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Abraham is on his way to Egypt.

  13. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Hammerhead shark.

  14. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Christmas in the village.

  15. My Journey Through the Graphite World - All inclusive.

  16. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Sunny day.

  17. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Market day.

  18. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Chef.

  19. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Sweet dream of a fisherman

  20. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Simple happiness.

  21. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Hunter and prey.

  22. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Mushroom pickers.

  23. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Mushroom season.

  24. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Hummingbird.

  25. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Good morning!

  26. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Genesis Chapter 13

  27. My Journey Through the Graphite World - The good, the bad, the ugly

  28. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Rural life

More to come!

Enjoy viewing the photos and reading the article!

Have a blessed day!

Category:Art, drawing, illustration.
Tools:Graphite pencils B3, B6, B8, HB and 2=HB, eraser, sharpener.
The format of a sheet of paper, canvas:Sheet of paper A5.
Author:Author @barski. In my publications you will see only my author's works.

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