My Journey Through the Graphite World - Genesis Chapter 16 - Hagar and the angel.

Every person when reading the Bible, sees his own unique key moments of this or that chapter of the Bible depending on his state of mind, on his perception of this or that situation and therefore illustrating chapters of the Holy Scriptures I cannot rely on someone else's opinion I draw what I consider to be the main special key.

So, having reached the 16th chapter of the Book of Genesis I saw an imaginary picture of the humility of Hagar the servant of Sarah, the wife of Abram, or rather the moment when some of her pride arrogance turned into humility.

I do not know how to depict the eighty-six year old Abram who, at the request of his faithless wife conceived a son with her servant; in this I see only the weak faith of Sarah but such weak faith is inherent in many and the obedience of Hagar who listened to the angel and returned back to her mistress is worthy of respect.

So, with the help of a pencil with a graphite rod, I depicted the meeting of a runaway servant named Hagar who became pregnant by Abram and the Angel who met her at the stream and ordered her to return back to slavery to her mistress.

Cool water refreshes not only the mouth but the soul and mind.

I admit that it was not easy for me to decide how this situation would look on a piece of paper.

Then in January 2023, when I was drawing this picture, I put it aside many times and switched to other work not understanding how and where to go and what to do.

But, like water filling a vessel gradually the general idea came and I completed work on this illustration.

I did not believe myself that I had enough patience to work on the small details of this drawing at some moments during the work it seemed to me that this would never end.

This is also a question of faith and unbelief but a loving God gives patience and faith to those who need it.

Water is a unique example for any situation filling the collection is also comparable to filling a vessel that may have edges but they are not yet visible.

Below I have placed links to my posts about the drawings I have drawn in chronological order.

Enjoy watching and reading!

Zoom in on a photo for a closer view.

Links to a collection of my drawings in my posts:

  1. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Sequoia

  2. My Journey Through the Graphite World - On the edge of the world.

  3. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Dogmas about dinosaurs.

  4. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Quiet happiness.

  5. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Noah saw the land.

  6. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Rural Evryday Life.

  7. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Chapter Nine Genesis..

  8. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Keep the warmth in your heart.

  9. My Journey Through the Graphite World - The genealogy of the sons of Noah.

  10. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Human Pride.

  11. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Fisherman.

  12. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Abraham is on his way to Egypt.

  13. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Hammerhead shark.

  14. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Christmas in the village.

  15. My Journey Through the Graphite World - All inclusive.

  16. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Sunny day.

  17. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Market day.

  18. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Chef.

  19. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Sweet dream of a fisherman

  20. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Simple happiness.

  21. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Hunter and prey.

  22. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Mushroom pickers.

  23. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Mushroom season.

  24. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Hummingbird.

  25. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Good morning!

  26. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Genesis Chapter 13

  27. My Journey Through the Graphite World - The good, the bad, the ugly

  28. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Rural life

  29. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Genesis Chapter 14

  30. My Journey Through the Graphite World - Genesis Chapter 15 - God's promises to Abraham

More to come!

Enjoy viewing the photos and reading the article!

Have a blessed day!

Category:Art, drawing, illustration.
Tools:Graphite pencils B3, B6, B8, HB and 2=HB, eraser, sharpener.
The format of a sheet of paper, canvas:Sheet of paper A5.
Author:Author @barski. In my publications you will see only my author's works.

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