
New Green Deal is like a Tumor to the Covid Lockdown Depopulation Vortex to Hell. Trump will win 2020 but they're stealing it. Uber drivers being labeled employees would be like Amazon users being called staff. It would be like calling stores in a mall employees of the mall. It would be like saying the independent stores and food carts in an ancient street market staff of the street or of the market building.

Trump Will Win 2020 in a Massive Landslide Bigger Than 2016

Red Mirage to Invalidate the 2020 Trump Landslide Victory

What is your number one reason as to why you are voting for President Trump?


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2020-10-29 - Thursday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-10-29 - Thursday
Published in October of 2020

Reese Witherspoon and her daughter, Ava, but will our children have a future if we don't stand up for what is right while we still can?

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Directory | Timeline | Accounts | Categories | Channels | Communities | Groups | Topics | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Banned News

Information You Can Gobble: We Are The News

Halloween Came Early

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

Oatmeal High Council

Telegram Chat | Phone App Version | Web Browser Version

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

Internet problem

03:00 AM - 03:38 AM apx - Restarted everything and then even the modem and got it all up and working around 03:38 AM or so.

Hive Problem

03:38 AM - Around like 1 AM, Hive.blog was not loading. It started working later on around 3:40 AM. After that, my latest post was not loading on my blog via Hive.blog. I went into the settings via the wallet and not directly to the settings route. I changed my node from anyx.io back to api.hive.blog. After that, I went into an older post and was able to edit it. I cannot prove that changing the node is what fixed the editing old posts problems. Instead, the problem was probably a bug that other people were working on resolving. It may have been a combination of things that fixed it.

Hive.blog vs Peakd.com

11:22 AM - Discord

Peakd.com is arguably a better GUI for HIVE.
@KLYE#0320 Yeah, Peakd is cool, looks cool. I do use it sometimes. Peakd has never not worked for me. Good news, Hive.blog is working now. Hive is pretty simple which I like. Peakd has more options which I also like.

Chat with me on Twitter

Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter

Chat with me on YouTube

Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube

what is cova root?


What do you do now?

02:21 PM - Hive Blog

Sometimes we got to stand still and that can be a very special part in our lives. I hear you lol and didn't know Witcher has exploded but I can imagine.

Is time going fast or slow?

02:25 PM - Hive

That's the irony with time as it flies. And yet a million years old in dog or in Steem or Hive. I've not been to steem or hive fests yet but they look like fun. I've not been to caves yet either but when I was in Vietnam I heard they have like the biggest cave in the world or possibly the second biggest.



2020-10-29 - Thursday - 02:11 AM - 04:02 AM - Barbarians 101

9 AD

Germany maybe

Unbind your hair, be formal

Play hunting

Romans came in asking for more stuff

Arrange marriage, trading a woman for horses and an alliance


Romans wore masks which looked like statues

Secret love, hiding in the forest, she hopes the man she has to marry dies by the Romans

Romans killed one boy during an encounter. It was like literal taxes but not with money but resources. They had a weird funeral ritual for the boy.

The taxes is called paying tribute

A beheading

The boy is still alive I guess



A Roman general said burning down villages could spark a revolution

Is the eagle a Roman thing or an American thing? Is America like part of Rome if the USA has an eagle as a main symbol?

War drums

War dancing

The Roman soldier came at night, they ran into their wooden castle. The chief commanded the gates open. The soldier looked at the elder and said, "Hello father."


04:02 AM - Reaction to Prop 22: Uber and Lyft vs. California

Uber drivers being labeled employees would be like Amazon users being called staff. It would be like calling stores in a mall employees of the mall. It would be like saying the independent stores and food carts in an ancient street market staff of the street or of the market building.

Wake Up

04:15 AM - INFOWARS 2020 Election Countdown Take Back America✴10/28/2020✴{{{WAKE UP}}}✴

Red Guy

01:47 PM - Alex Jones Show - First Half - October 29, 2020

Globalists will try to shut off the power grid, massive blackouts, on election day, they'll blame it on Russia. They'll try to shut down the Internet. Cities will burn.

Did the CIA come about in 1947? I think so.

I love the Chinese people but not the globalist infiltration of the Chinese government itself.

Trump will win 2020 in a landslide bigger than he won in 2016 but globalists, technocrats, leftists, and others are trying to block that and much more.

The good news is that some of the Chinese agents infiltrated in America are stopping their stuff while others are disappearing, AKA executed in stealth mode by the good guys.

Hotep Jesus

08:00 PM - Hoteps BEEN Told You - Ep 123, Lil Wayne Backs Trump, Joe Rogan, and more!

Crazy until you are right

Talking like a song and dance

Red Guy

08:13 PM - Alex Jones Show - Full Show - October 29, 2020

Jimmy Carter was the first president to be born in a hospital.

Naomi Brockwell

10:47 PM - Crypto Floodgates Open in Wyoming!

Blue jacket Naomi is the coolest but the every government ever basically and her cat bwahaha was the funniest.

Jobs moving to Wyoming as special banks there let cryptocurrencies, etc.



2020-10-29 - Thursday - 02:11 AM - 04:02 AM - Barbarians 101


04:02 AM - Reaction to Prop 22: Uber and Lyft vs. California

Wake Up

04:15 AM - INFOWARS 2020 Election Countdown Take Back America✴10/28/2020✴{{{WAKE UP}}}✴

The Rubin Report

11:24 AM - Mind Changed: Why I Voted 3rd Party in 2016 & Voted Trump in 2020 | DIRECT MESSAGE | RUBIN REPORT

Steven Crowder

11:26 AM - LIVE FROM PHILADELPHIA: 11 Shot in BLM Riots! | Good Morning #MugClub

Paul Joseph Watson

01:42 PM - Submission

Red Guy

01:47 PM - Alex Jones Show - First Half - October 29, 2020

Hotep Jesus

08:00 PM - Hoteps BEEN Told You - Ep 123, Lil Wayne Backs Trump, Joe Rogan, and more!

Red Guy

08:13 PM - Alex Jones Show - Full Show - October 29, 2020

Fox News

10:36 PM - Fox Nation Happy Hour | 10/29/20

Fox Nation

10:38 PM - Abby Hornacek shows off her basketball skills

i have been playing basketball all my life and i have never done these things, except the dribbling between the legs part

the daughter of jeff of the Utah Jazz, NBA basketball

Naomi Brockwell

10:47 PM - Crypto Floodgates Open in Wyoming!

Baked Blunts

10:55 PM - Lost Documents Resurface - Election Countdown (10/29/20)


SẺ CHIA YÊU THƯƠNG - bike driver got mother and son to hospital for cheaper price, gave them his lunch and then a woman gave him hers
Parked Car Blocks Firetruck!
SẺ CHIA YÊU THƯƠNG - make a deal

Good morning

11:00 AM - Got up with a bit of a sore throat probably due to not enough water, sleep, sunlight, heat, vitamins. I'm only guessing and to some extent. So, I'm trying to remember to drink water. I'm drinking some right now. Some tea may help. Maybe got too cold as well.


11:16 AM - Apple, water.


11:45 AM - 01:15 PM - Chores or actually technically work, dishes, taking out compost, recycling, garbage, plus a heater thing. I am not going to talk about steel or basketball player Rod Strickland. He played for the Blazers.

01:00 PM - Instant oatmeal with brown sugar, coffee

Lunch Lunch

02:10 PM - Soup thing.

Trump Wins 2020

04:05 PM - I wrote this article, Trump Will Win 2020 in a Massive Landslide Bigger Than 2016


04:30 PM - 07:30 PM - Continued working on the forts, I completed four of them and I am not going to say name of my father or a book in the Bible, James talks about patience. Good book. Good to be excited, I felt like I was on the other side of things as I have been there in some ways living in a trailer and I remember that one time mom took me and Crystal to live in like an RV at the Friend's house, last name Friends, that might have been around 1994. Probably between 1992 and 1996. My best guess is 1994. And probably not after 1995.


07:30 PM - I am not all refreshed.


08:00 PM - The soup stuff from yesterday. Back on my computer now.


08:30 PM - 09:00 PM

Trump Will Win 2020 in a Massive Landslide Bigger Than 2016

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