
Travel-Post Banned For Not Being a Travel-Post.

Texas Dark Winter to last for weeks, people are freezing and starving to death, people are so excited as the globalists take over the world, Biden said the Dark Winter was coming, he was right. Be prepared for a new biological weapon, a new Covid disease, coming either this year in 2021 or at least before 2025. It will kill at least 4 billion people. Don't tell me I didn't warn you. I'm on record trying to tell you how bad things are. If you're reading this, you're guilty of not caring. Please, do something. The clock is ticking. Will China be aiming nuclear weapons at 24 targets across the globe, will it be real, will it be staged, will it be an excuse to lockdown the world, what is going to happen? Will it be exactly 24 different places in different countries around this planet? Will this be a good thing or a bad thing? Will the good guys or the bad guys be able to take control of whatever that might happen in February of 2021? Will it be any day now? Will people fall for false flags? Is there anything we can do right now?

Bill Gates Over Biden

Biden won't speak to world leaders. Boris Johnson said Bill Gates is really the head of the G8. This is how globalism works. They're getting the general population used to the world being run by technocracy. In a secret video, Mark Zuckerberg told his Facebook staff he didn't trust the Covid Vaccine. So, why isn't Mark telling his 2 billion users this? Why keep such a thing a secret? In the 1960s, America asked Russia to start a world war against China but Russia declined. That was declassified.

Never Letting Go Oatmeal On Dee Floor
The Darkness of The Bunny

February of 2021

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2021-02-17 - Wednesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-02-17 - Wednesday
Published in February of 2021

White Culture Dont Have Any Joke Yes We Do.jpeg

White Culture Dont Have Any Joke Yes We Do

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

Downvoted For Travel?

12:17 PM - Hive Blog

My brother @rsarnold316 traveled to Honduras and posting about it. You downvoted it and lied by saying it has nothing to do with travel because it was also about a ministry. That is a limited perspective on what travel is.

What is travel?

Did I not travel to Vietnam?

Can I not post about my travel to Vietnam?

But if I said I also taught English in Vietnam, then what?

My brother mentioned the same thing that he taught English in Honduras, what is the difference?

Missionaries CANNOT travel?

Missionaries CANNOT travel?

If I travel but have a HIDDEN AGENDA, then it is NOT travel?

If I travel but made money while I travel, that is not travel?

So, you are saying travel posts have to describe specific details?

So, you are saying Travel Posts is a specific type of GENRE?

In other words, a Travel Post is a type of LITERATURE with certain expected formula of what must be written?

Sounds extremely specific.

How many are Repeat Offenders?

07:05 PM - Hive Comment

How many are Repeat Offenders? My advice would be to give new users a warning for their first incorrect post and simply mute them for additional incorrect posts. On top of that, you could simply mute older accounts. Say, an account that is at least a week or older. Don't warn them even for their first incorrect article. But I would give a person who is new to Hive Blog some forgiveness, some grace. However, at the same time, this post didn't break the rules apart from it not having an automated pin via the Pinmapple as it does have a manual pin called words which says it is Honduras. Moreover, an automated pin could mean some kind of geo-tracking which may have violated the 4th amendment in the American constitution regarding privacy rights which big tech violates. So, forcing people to be tracked is almost as bad as letting the Chinese Social Credit Score dominate your soul. I am writing a post about this as we speak. I can talk all day about twenty or more related matters connected to all of these things and more, to be continued, thank you for reading, thank you for watching, I'm the one and only Oatmeal Joey Arnold of Oregon 1985.

The post did not really violate the rules of this group apart from abnormal interpretation of the rules via reading between the lines to create a specific paradigm. Also, requiring geo-tracking via their app could be against the 4th amendment of America's constitution relating to privacy. And the list goes on on and on, I can talk all day about these things. And I'm writing a post about it right now.

Finding that invisible line between what is deemed travel related and not actually travel related is what I find puzzling, extremely subjective, extremely up to interpretation of those reading it, especially in the absence of words. For example, take National Geographic. This travel magazine may have posts similar to that post about Honduras. And that is just one example of a travel magazine that would not meet the criteria of that group. I can do this all day. What is and is not travel depends on who you ask and I've asked many people. What I find is a wide variety of opinions relating to this topic.

Talk About Star Wars

08:42 PM - Hive

You're right, Star Wars may be inspired by Japanese Samurai and other things too. My focus is on the story itself. But you're highlighting specific styles presented mostly in the action sequences of the franchise which I really love. I love Mortal Kombat. I am not sure if I would be happy if Samurai were to cut off my head or not. We would need to talk more about why they did what they did. Oh, that is why you love Mortal Kombat. Yeah, fighting with your hands is potentially less bloody. Do you also like Street Fighter? and Teken?

Minimizing Onboarding Issues

09:15 PM - Hive

One of my main concerns and questions is in regards to what the distinction between regular groups, communities, or hives might be with that of the affinity groups you're describing. I think I somewhat know already what you mean. I think you're talking about making an app or a series of apps which features these affinity groups.

The idea for having separate apps with their own tokens started back in like 2018 if not earlier on Steemit. So, that was before the fork into Hive Blog. Steem had their own cryptocurrencies. Hive split and started their own crypto coins. And then there are the added apps. I forget if they were going to be called hives or communities or tribes or what. I've not been on Leo Finance yet. Is that like a separate app that rests on the Hive blockchain? Does LeoFinance have their own tokens which are separate from the Hive coins of Hive Backed Dollars (HBD), Hive Power (HP), and liquid Hive?

I like the idea of having different cryptocurrencies, communities, and different apps as well because it breeds competition. So, your ideas relating to having systems of groups with an incentive for new users to create and expand is contagious. I agree with what you were saying about the problems with onboarding new people. Your ideas here could hugely minimize some if not all of those challenges at hand.

Should we have Lite Accounts for Hive?

09:23 PM - Hive

If a new person were to get a lite account, would he be able to upgrade for a premium full account? I mean, forget I said premium. But you know what I mean? Like, would there be a difference between lite accounts and regular accounts like the ones we have other than we have at least four keys? Also, what is the difference between giving a new user only one password and giving them their master password or the super secret 12-random-words passphrase key which is similar to that of Bitcoin, Ethereum, other cryptocurrency seeds?

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video

In a secret video, Mark Zuckerberg told his Facebook staff he didn't trust the Covid Vaccine. So, why isn't Mark telling his 2 billion users this? Why keep such a thing a secret?

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

Oatmeal High Council

My Telegram Chat | Phone App Version | Web Browser Version

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies

Flush Out Aluminum

2021-02-17 - Wednesday 01:00 PM - Health Log

I talked to mom about health. I came up with an analogy of driverless trucks to describe items like cells, viruses, small things which lack the keys which attach to the receptors. The keys should attach to the receptors. If the wrong keys come or if they the keys attach to the wrong items to allow into them into cells or whatever else the keys and receptors do besides that, that can cause problems. I wonder how to flush out aluminum, nano bots, and other toxic metals and other things out of the body.

Talk About @rsarnold316 on Hive Blog

If you do someday go to Hive Blog, remember you can only post like 5 times each day apx until your power increases.

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

Chat with me on Twitter

Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter

Chat with me on YouTube

Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube

I wrote to @rsarnold316 on Facebook
11:51 AM

I'm going to send you an email telling you how you can log into Hive Blog. You have passwords which they call keys. You login with the Private Posting Key. There is actually a Public Posting Key as well. I'm telling you that because all of this can be confusing even for me when I first started in 2017. There are other keys too. There are at least 4 keys, I'll send them to you. It'll be in the email and in text file. I'll write down that you login with the posting key. I encourage you to save your passwords, your keys. I could tell you more about the other keys later. But for now, you could try to login and perhaps post something or look around a little if you want at your own convenience of course.

Mom & Snow

2021-02-17 - Wednesday - 01:00 PM - Family Log

Mom mentioned getting a lot of snow in Spokane or wherever it was in 1969. They sled down roads. Mom took snow from her porch to build an igloo which turned into a cube. Not too different than how I build sand and snow mountains and hills and castles and snow men at times.

Discord Avatar

2021-02-17 - Wednesday - 10:36 PM PST LMS JA - My Social Media Log - Hive Blog

Just a second ago, was able to upload an avatar, a profile picture, for my Discord account. My name on there is Oatmeal Joey Arnold. Before that it was Oatmeal Joey Arnold Joeyarnoldvn. The number for my account is 3058 or hastag 3058. So, for a long time, I was not able to update my Discord avatar via my Dissenter web browser at least. I want to say the last 3 years since like 2018. I don't know. Maybe since like 2019. It has been like a year or two at least. I can't remember if I have ever been able to upload a Discord avatar ever. I wasn't sure what the problem was. I was hoping it wasn't a browser problem. But regardless, I decided today to log into Discord on Firefox and was able to upload my avatar. That is good. Also, the weird glitches I see on Discord where the channels flash and I can't click to enter the servers and channels via Dissenter is not present on Firefox. So, that is good news that it works on Firefox and bad news that it is not working right now via Discord. I think Discord is a browser based on Brave and like Chrome and Chromium. I like Dissenter in some ways apart from this Discord problem.

Other Websites

Find me on other websites, other places, as well

Regarding Hive Blog

2021-02-17 - Wednesday - 12:11 AM - Technology Log - Eccency

Do you have a list of top Hive Blog apps or favorite ones? I think Eccency is pretty good. I generally use Hive Blog. I also like Peakd.

Me Biking

2021-02-17 - Wednesday - 12:38 AM - Hive Blog

I once rode my bike from Portland to Forest Grove and another time back the other way and towards Vancouver. Beaverton was uphill so much. I was surprised.


2021-02-17 - Wednesday - 12:46 AM - Hive

Thanks. Yes. Oreos is one of my favorite kinds of ice-cream besides like chocolate or vanilla.

Coast Fun

06:21 PM - Hive Post

My aunt lives in or around Warrenton, OR which is near Seaside and Astoria. I was born in 1985 and one of my favorite childhood memories is going to the beach almost every summer. I think one of the beaches is Sunset Beach. So, that is why I really love your post here which reminds me about my life on the coast in the 1990s especially back in the good old days lol.


Ron Gibson


Texas Dark Winter

2021-02-17 - Wednesday - 11:30 AM LMS - World News

Texas Dark Winter to last for weeks, people are freezing and starving to death, people are so excited as the globalists take over the world, Biden said the Dark Winter was coming, he was right. Be prepared for a new biological weapon, a new Covid disease, coming either this year in 2021 or at least before 2025. It will kill at least 4 billion people. Don't tell me I didn't warn you. I'm on record trying to tell you how bad things are. If you're reading this, you're guilty of not caring. Please, do something. The clock is ticking.

Bill Gates

11:35 AM

Biden won't speak to world leaders. Boris Johnson said Bill Gates is really the head of the G8. This is how globalism works. They're getting the general population used to the world being run by technocracy.

Covid Vaccine & Zuckerberg

11:37 AM

In a secret video, Mark Zuckerberg told his Facebook staff he didn't trust the Covid Vaccine. So, why isn't Mark telling his 2 billion users this? Why keep such a thing a secret?

Fear Porn

11:57 AM

Some of the globalists said and thought Alex Jones was scarring people to death for them with fear porn towards inactivity as they find out the plans and the activities of our overlords and others but then they found out there were people who had courage who were then taking action against the demons who plot the destruction of all humans. After that, they began accelerating their burning of even more books than ever before.

Russia Declined

In the 1960s, America asked Russia to start a world war against China but Russia declined. That was declassified.

Wil Paranormal


Will China be aiming nuclear weapons at 24 targets across the globe, will it be real, will it be staged, will it be an excuse to lockdown the world, what is going to happen? Will it be exactly 24 different places in different countries around this planet? Will this be a good thing or a bad thing? Will the good guys or the bad guys be able to take control of whatever that might happen in February of 2021? Will it be any day now? Will people fall for false flags? Is there anything we can do right now?


Dr. Charlie Ward


Ron Gibson




General Shepherd


Sarah Snyder


X22 Report


Health Ranger

09:32 PM - The Contagion Myth: Sally Fallon Morell, Thomas Cowan, M.D. and Mike Adams debate the plandemic

Wil Paranormal


Dear diary, got up at 11:05 AM and as soon as I went out into the living room, I see on Fox News that Mike Pence is apparently on the phone talking about the death of Rush Limbaugh which is sad but the only thing worse is realizing that Pence is still alive. Pence did bad things or at the very least made bad choices, including the choice to violate the constitution of America on the 6th and 7th of January of 2021. That is just one of the things. But anyways, some Qanon people or whoever said a week or so ago that Pence was executed by military in a secret tribunal. I didn't think that was true but I try to be open minded. So, I looked around but couldn't find any evidence of that. And now, today, it looks like Pence is still around. Vacuum around noon or closer to 1 PM. I talked to mom about health. I came up with an analogy of driverless trucks to describe items like cells, viruses, small things which lack the keys which attach to the receptors. The keys should attach to the receptors. If the wrong keys come or if they the keys attach to the wrong items to allow into them into cells or whatever else the keys and receptors do besides that, that can cause problems. I wonder how to flush out aluminium, nano bots, and other toxic metals and other things out of the body. Dishes around like 2 or 3. Recycling out. Fed critters. We got some mail. Oh, think of a store like Cost Co. Think about forgetting a membership fee at ten a month for like a year. Oh and then you owe it but don't know for what. As trump would say, "FOR WHAT?" Oh yeah, I remember now. Mom mentioned getting a lot of snow in Spokane or wherever it was in 1969. They sled down roads. Mom took snow from her porch to build an igloo which turned into a cube. Not too different than how I build sand and snow mountains and hills and castles and snow men at times. Shower around 3:20 PM for like 20 minutes or so. Oh I forget there are different types of vitamin E variants and the Health Master Potent E is a vitamin E complex. Did my bank lose the stimulus check?

Food Log

Here is what I'm eating, drinking, consuming, digesting, my diet.

Breakfast: grapes, coffee, 11:10 AM
Lunch: soup, bread, coffee, 03:30 PM
Dinner: Vietnamese fu around like 7 or 8 PM, Larry made it, it was good

Discord The Terminal

Supported: @cielitorojo#2196 @jennyzer#8428 @Cristinanuitter(actioncats)#7170 @Melbourne's West#0542 @Kemmy B#4211 @𝓢𝓰𝓽_𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓯 🍀#8600 @librepensadora#5602 @brittandjosie#3488 @jcrodriguez#5123 @Theia7.art#7176
$vote @rsarnold316/the-darkness-of-the-bunny
I supported ten people today

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