

Why is Sweden banning masks? Many times, they ban people from YouTube but then let other upload the same videos or similar videos and profit from them. The Covid Vaccine is not a remedy but an operating system.

The Philosophy of the Mask: Introduction Preview to This New Series

February of 2021

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2021-02-20 - Saturday | Oatmeal Daily - 2021-02-20 - Saturday

Published in February of 2021


Alpha Heater

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold. My Google Hangout is joeyarnold7@gmail.com


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video

Solving Problems

11:42 PM - PeakD

Fear is a big problem in the world. Good news is we can help people out of it. Overcoming fear partly comes from understanding problems and also in appreciating ongoing solutions.

Driving Forward

11:59 PM - Hive

I especially love your first two points of advice which deals with focus and drive. I love that and I see a lot of passion in your soul, I really love that.

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

Stay Put

2021-02-20 - Saturday - 01:30 PM - Tom Taylor's House

He asked a question that I like thinking about. The question deals with etymology, idioms, English. But it also deals with dealing with paradoxes, contradictions. I'm not going to talk about the latter for the moment. But actually do enjoy talking about dealing with paradoxes, contradictions, etc. But specifically in regards to what staying put means. It is like Yoda talk. Like put yourself in a stay-here position. Like stay here. Put yourself in a fixed location. Set yourself. Often times idioms can be a shorthand or shortcut of longer sentences that ended up shrinking like an abbrievation of ideas. I don't have the source of the evolution of stay put in front of me. I could try to find the origins but for now I can use my intuition to guess how it came about. Stay put is like remain kept. Like continue fixed. Just get a thesaurus for more synonyms.

Oatmeal High Council

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Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies

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Hive Blog Tribes & Securities & Making Tokens?

09:37 PM - Hive Blog

Is a security the same as a share as seen in the stock market? Better question than that would be is Steem Power (SP) or Hive Power (HP) considered to be like a security or a share or a stake?

I'm asking because I've heard people make comparisons between these terms before and I've especially heard the term "Stake" used to describe SP and HP.

And I've always thought that stake was similar to securities and shares. I know just because something is similar does not mean they're the same thing.

But it just makes me wonder as we have HP in our wallet, as the HBD and liquid Hive coins increase in value, that then increases the HP value and the overall value of your wallet.

That to me parallels how when Disney increases in value, your individual share increases in value as well. So, is a stock market share or security just slightly different than liquid Hive, HBD, and especially HP?

I may be considering making my own tokens and tribes someday. I feel like I have a lot of research I need to do. I probably wouldn't want to make a coin that was like a security.

But I just want to make sure I know how to distinguish between what might be a security and whichever things are currently not considered securities according to current laws in America.

To @darkflame
09:48 PM

A Canada community and coin sounds like a great idea. Speaking of good ideas and all, that reminds me of another idea somebody had. I've heard a man name Steele talk about an idea of having county-level cryptocurrencies.

Wordpress Idea

09:51 PM - Hive

I've heard of some Wordpress plugins that allowed people to post onto Steemit from their Wordpress blog. That was back before Hive Blog. Are you talking about something like that or something more integrated than that, something more sophisticated than a simple posting plugin?

Talking About VPNs and TOR

10:36 PM - Addictive Tips

Does My ISP Know I’m Using Tor? Get a VPN, here is a list of VPNs to choose from
The Best Free VPNs for 2021

Can VPNs go on top of firewalls and can firewalls help with increasing privacy online? Also, can Linux based operating systems or other operating system help in increasing privacy or in reducing viruses, bugs, other problems which you may find via Apple, Microsoft Windows, Google's Android, etc, etc? I specifically want to know if firewalls work like VPNs at all or what firewalls might be good for and what firewalls might not be good for.

256-bit Encryption or more
Strict No-logging Policy
Location And Number Of Servers
Available Software For Your Platform or Compatibility

Free VPN

ProtonVPN looks like a good free VPN service based on what I've read about it but I've not tried it yet.

Other Websites

Find me on other websites, other places, as well

Looking Back While Moving Forward

2021-02-20 - Saturday - 04:04 PM - Hive Blog

The answer is yes but not that way exactly haha cuz I'm a guy duh. Ahaha but I've not totally studied my own life to get to the bottom of how I've changed now that I'm 36 years old, high school was a long time ago.

In general, I know people often change for better and for worse in a variety of ways. There was a variety of hairstyles I've had. But again, it's a lot different for women than it is for men. So. I'm not here to overly compare except that I find that a lot of fathers have struggled with how to really love their wives and children. I'm going to assume that not all fathers are purposely trying to mess things up. People do try to help the dads change and some do. But regardless, I know I've learned to forgive my alcoholic papa. But at the same time, forgiveness does not have to mean forgetting. And when I say forgetting, I'm not promoting excessive dwelling in the past kind of thing. But not to say that I don't study my past. I believe there is a difference between visiting my past with living there full-time.

By the way, I love the long blond hair.

Motherhood Changes Things

04:11 PM - Hive

That thing about how we are conditioned is amazing if understood, no, when understood. What you wrote about how motherhood shifted you into a higher gear of wanting to be more thoroughly happy or joyful, that was my favorite part of this entry.

Mental Cavity

04:18 PM - Hive

I've never heard anybody ever say "Mental Cavity." I started thinking about teeth. But I love this new terminology, mental cavity. Interestingly enough, some say the brain uses some kind of holographic mechanism for how memory is stored which then ironically adds credibility to how you're wording it. I kind of feel like it is a pun to cavity as there could be holes both physically speaking but also in the sense of trying retrieve and remember and recall memories. Strangely, everything is a hole or a bunch of space at the atomic level of things. But that's just the nerd in me speaking. Pretend I wasn't here. I kind of got sucked into the vacuum of your blog. I'm trying to climb right now. But will probably be back someday.

PS. is that you in those photos or do you have like a daughter or something? No, I've not taken the time to study your life yet to figure it out. But I guess I could in order to answer my own question here. But great photos of course.


Tell Me Your Secrets

2021-02-20 - Saturday - 02:07 AM - 03:00 AM - Tell Me Your Secrets 101

Mom goes to a woman in prison. Where is my baby daughter? Well, a girl in her twenties. Maybe a man killed her. Or is the woman her daughter? She goes in witness protection. Seven years pass. The husband and son is worried about the mom. They feel the daughter is dead. The mom says she has instinct. She feels she is still alive. Emma is the new identity of the person who was in jail. Two girls were harassing a black chick. So, she comes in to save the day. The black chick was like a teen and in foster care. Emma said she was too as a kid. She wrote a goodbye letter to a man in prison. Can people change? The one guy tries. The black chick is murdered but not sure by who. Teressa is the daughter who might be dead but then appears at the end for a hair cut.

And We Know

2021-02-20 - Saturday - 07:50 PM - 2.20.21: Many more exposed! Resignations CONTINUE! Pray!

Why is Sweden banning masks?

SGT Report

2021-02-20 - Saturday - 09:01 PM - MEL K: USA SITUATION UPDATE - PART ONE

Instead of a space heater, get a Alpha Heater.

Many times, they ban people from YouTube but then let other upload the same videos or similar videos and profit from them.

The Covid Vaccine is not a remedy but an operating system.


Tell Me Your Secrets

2021-02-20 - Saturday - 02:07 AM - 03:00 AM - Tell Me Your Secrets 101

Health Ranger

03:02 PM - Situation Update, Feb. 19th, 2021 - Texas blackout SURVIVAL GEAR reviews

And We Know

07:50 PM - 2.20.21: Many more exposed! Resignations CONTINUE! Pray!

SGT Report


Dear diary, got up at 11 AM and up, off, and out the door before noon, probably 11:30 AM and we went to his music store in the truck and we were changing the lights, long tubes. Some of the were not working. After like an hour or two, we were at Tom Sawyer's house. I mean Tim the Tool Man Taylor's house. Maybe a combination of the two. Recycling. Garbage. Egg cartons to the lady. Thank you she said as I took them to her. The wine bottles. Other things into Whitey Ford. Delicious black tea with honey. We were there like an hour or two until like 2 PM or so. And worth the 20 bucks I got. Tom asked a good question for all you English Teachers out there. What does it mean to stay put and then go take out the trash? Like how can I stay put if you also want me to take out the trash. He asked a question that I like thinking about. The question deals with etymology, idioms, English. But it also deals with dealing with paradoxes, contradictions. I'm not going to talk about the latter for the moment. But actually do enjoy talking about dealing with paradoxes, contradictions, etc. But specifically in regards to what staying put means. It is like Yoda talk. Like put yourself in a stay-here position. Like stay here. Put yourself in a fixed location. Set yourself. Often times idioms can be a shorthand or shortcut of longer sentences that ended up shrinking like an abbrievation of ideas. I don't have the source of the evolution of stay put in front of me. I could try to find the origins but for now I can use my intuition to guess how it came about. Stay put is like remain kept. Like continue fixed. Just get a thesaurus for more synonyms. He drove over to Tozer's in the truck. Said to stay put as I refused to wear a mask. I am staying put in my beliefs. He got a space heater for my room if the built-in heater doesn't do a good enough job and maybe it does not. I came up with writing about the philosophy of the mask. We got home around 02:30 PM or so. Then I was helping open a new box of canned food we got delivered. Back door. Critters fed. I'm writing now the last ten minutes or so. Now, it is 3 PM.

Food Log

Here is what I'm eating, drinking, consuming, digesting, my diet.

Breakfast: toast, possibly some eggs. Maybe a few other things, 11 AM.
Lunch: soup, 3 PM, and then maybe other things after that
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 7:50 PM

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