
How To Make A Cloud Template.

Wear a mask or I'm calling the cops. Alright, call the cops. I'm suing them. In 2020, over 40 million alleged votes for Biden were fake. In 2008, it was reported that HAARP was learning how to steer hurricanes via high-atmosphere heat injection, kind of like guiding a kitten with a string. Watch out for Bioterrorism says Bill Gates. Which reminds me, kind of funny how Texas was suddenly colder than Montana. Wow. Out of nowhere. What happened on this day in 1933? Reich Fire. Hitler. Germany. Klaus Schwab says you will ONLY ONLY ONLY eat bugs and will love it.

What is in the Covid Vaccine?

Some of the ingredients for the mRNA Covid Vaccine includes some of the most commonly consumed things including vinegar, salt, sugar, plus a few very common preservatives found in so many food items. Too many people buy processed foods which includes preservatives in them. So, why are these commonly consumed items in the vaccine? It is there to trigger autoimmune responses in your body's immune system. It may takes years for your body to get there, but slowly over time, your body will begin to develop allergies to salt, sugar, vinegar, etc. These allergies may spiral out of control into even worse problems over time. Now, that is just the tip of the iceberg. But it is a good thing to start with and share with others. Don't believe me. Don't take my word for it. Go get a list of the ingredients to these vaccines and post them here. I will wait for your awesome responses. Thank you so much in advance for responding with the real list of ingredients. Prove me wrong. Easy to do. Just show me the ingredients. Show me these items, like salt, is not in the vaccine.

February of 2021

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2021-02-27 - Saturday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-02-27 - Saturday
Published in February of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-02-27 22:56:21.png

Alex Jones Predicting Covid-19 Back in 2010

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Some of the ingredients for the mRNA Covid Vaccine includes some of the most commonly consumed things including vinegar, salt, sugar, plus a few very common preservatives found in so many food items. Too many people buy processed foods which includes preservatives in them. So, why are these commonly consumed items in the vaccine? It is there to trigger autoimmune responses in your body's immune system. It may takes years for your body to get there, but slowly over time, your body will begin to develop allergies to salt, sugar, vinegar, etc. These allergies may spiral out of control into even worse problems over time. Now, that is just the tip of the iceberg. But it is a good thing to start with and share with others. Don't believe me. Don't take my word for it. Go get a list of the ingredients to these vaccines and post them here. I will wait for your awesome responses. Thank you so much in advance for responding with the real list of ingredients. Prove me wrong. Easy to do. Just show me the ingredients. Show me these items, like salt, is not in the vaccine.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

Some of the ingredients for the mRNA Covid Vaccine includes some of the most commonly consumed things including vinegar, salt, sugar, plus a few very common preservatives found in so many food items. Too many people buy processed foods which includes preservatives in them. So, why are these commonly consumed items in the vaccine? It is there to trigger autoimmune responses in your body's immune system. It may takes years for your body to get there, but slowly over time, your body will begin to develop allergies to salt, sugar, vinegar, etc. These allergies may spiral out of control into even worse problems over time. Now, that is just the tip of the iceberg. But it is a good thing to start with and share with others. Don't believe me. Don't take my word for it. Go get a list of the ingredients to these vaccines and post them here. I will wait for your awesome responses. Thank you so much in advance for responding with the real list of ingredients. Prove me wrong. Easy to do. Just show me the ingredients. Show me these items, like salt, is not in the vaccine.

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video

A Lot More Than That

2021-02-27 - Saturday - 02:00 AM - Covid Log - Hive Blog

A lot more than just twice. Over 80% of people who died of Covid according to one study was also conveniently deficient of essential vitamins. By the way, all humans must have essential vitamins. When you don't, you will die after a certain number days generally speaking depending on the vitamin. For example, we must have vitamin C. We can talk all day about why. That is just one vitamin. We must have essential vitamins. And most people who died of Covid would have died of anything which means Covid is not really the reason. The reason a person dies is often due to not having enough of everything it needs in the body, in the cells, in the blood stream, in the gut, in the brain, in the DNA, in the marrow of the bones. Most of the problems with aging is due to cellular health in particular. Also, strangely in America, what, did nobody die of the Flu? Also, hospitals were paid thousands of dollars to lie and say a person died of Covid. So, it became a game. Then we saw Tik-Tok videos of doctors and nurses dancing.

What is in the Covid Vaccine?

2021-02-27 - Saturday - Facebook

Some of the ingredients for the mRNA Covid Vaccine includes some of the most commonly consumed things including vinegar, salt, sugar, plus a few very common preservatives found in so many food items. Too many people buy processed foods which includes preservatives in them. So, why are these commonly consumed items in the vaccine? It is there to trigger autoimmune responses in your body's immune system. It may takes years for your body to get there, but slowly over time, your body will begin to develop allergies to salt, sugar, vinegar, etc. These allergies may spiral out of control into even worse problems over time. Now, that is just the tip of the iceberg. But it is a good thing to start with and share with others. Don't believe me. Don't take my word for it. Go get a list of the ingredients to these vaccines and post them here. I will wait for your awesome responses. Thank you so much in advance for responding with the real list of ingredients. Prove me wrong. Easy to do. Just show me the ingredients. Show me these items, like salt, is not in the vaccine.

Shane Harro Harrison, the constitution says you cannot have mask laws and there are no mask laws by the way.

Toby Hugh Daniell, have you have not been following the news? just go to CNN or any website you like and you can find out about what I am talking about.... pick your favorite website and go there, find the articles that talk about what i am talk about here and share the links here, i will be waiting, and you can do this with your eyes closed

Toby Hugh Daniell the coyote runs off a cliff but then does not look down, and at that point he sits there suspended in the air because ignorance is bliss. The roadrunner got away and he does not know he can fall. So, before he looks down, he does not know. So, at that point, he does not know. So, it is like if a tree falls falls in a forest but nobody is there to hear it fall, did it make a sound? If you suspended in air and do not know it, will you fall or will you not fall because ignorance is bliss?

Shane Harro Harrison, it is illegal for businesses open to the public to do that. There are several reasons why. One of the reasons is the 4th amendment. Another reason is doing so discriminates. Another reason is it interferes with public commerce when you actively block a potential buyer. In a free market system, there are sellers and buyers. Now, churches are generally setup to be allowed to forbid anybody from coming legally speaking. So, churches can legally have a mask rule. Churches are legally allowed to do this. Some stores may not be open to the public. If only members can go into the store, then you must meet all the requirements to be a member. When it comes to stores open to the general public, stores must comply with commerce laws. And that my friend is only the tip of the iceberg.

Shane Harro Harrison, and those stores can be sued or worse. I hope stores are sued for this and worse if they have not already been. I will try to write articles about those things to let people know when stores are sued for doing illegal things like that. They should be shut down or worse. And people need to legally go after stores if they are not already for a series of things. Because stores are breaking the law.

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Computer Problem

08:55 PM

Was trying to install a webcam app on my laptop and ran into this error:
Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
I used Synaptic Package Manager to remove software, packages, programs, namely things called KDE-Telepathy and other files and maybe folders with the word KDE-Telepathy in it including "kde-telepathy-minimal : Depends: kde-config-telepathy-accounts (>= 15.04.0) but it is not installed." That is what terminal said. So, I removed those 2 files and others. Now, I am not getting error messages regarding these files being not installed or whatever. I wasn't trying to install these files. So, I don't know why these files were talked about while I was trying to install webcam apps. Maybe I tried to install a KDE webcam app. That is the only thing I can think of right now.

Eskimo Pocahontas

10:01 PM - Hive Blog

What I like about drawing is the man looks invested, curious. He is probably having a fun time in VR-Land. Fitbit looks like fun. Ice skating and especially roller blading is fun. Falling can be cool. I mean cold. I love snow. These are cool photos. I enjoyed seeing them. Thanks. You could rename yourself the Eskimo Pocahontas. If you're not already, you could be like a role-model for a lot of people your age, if you wanted to. Not that you have a choice in who is going to be your fan. I would imagine you already have a fan base. But some of them may not tell you. So, you may not know yet.

How To Make A Cloud Template

2021-02-27 - Saturday -10:12 PM - How-To Log - Hive

I love your template. I love your smile. This is simply and fun to do. I really love this post so much. I had fun looking at it.

Frustrated Love

10:29 PM - Hive

My favorite female artist from this list was Gaby Moreno in Ricardo Arjona - Fuiste tú. She had a lot of range and was fun to listen to and watch. Second favorite is HA-ASH - Perdón, Perdón. Those two chicks have tons of power and passion. My favorite male singer and my favorite music video to watch was Sin Bandera - Mientes Tan Bien and what really caught my attention was when she was hanging on a basketball rim. It is also the saddest of the songs. Hola, yo no hablo espanol. Pero pero. But I know it must be a song about a girl wanting love, wanting a man. She is all alone. I don't know what happened. I feel sad for her and I cannot do anything to help.


General Shepherd


They talk about aliens in the third hour.

Age of Samurai

2021-02-27 - Saturday - 02:14 AM - 03:00 AM - Age of Samurai: Battle for Japan - Season 1 Episode 1 - The Rise of Oda Nobunaga

In 1551, Japan went into a civil war they say. The Samurai started around this time by a man they say. His dad died. People in his tribes didn't like him. He did things differently at the funeral. One guy ended up pulling out his guts in protest alone in his house somewhere. In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3, Turtles in Time, they travel back to 1602 AD or 1601 AD or around that time to Japan. That was roughly fifty years after the origin of the Samurai or maybe less. Not sure which year the Samurai started. Well, Samurai once meant servant like a century before that but went on to mean like the knights of old or something good and respected, I forget. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe the origin the Samurai goes back even farther than this. I'm not sure. Oh, this is a story of a man who formed an army that fought the Samurai using guns and peasants. He lead an army at night to kill a head of an army. Like a king in chess and they won.

General Shepherd

10:48 PM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Saturday - 2/27/21

In 2008, it was reported that HAARP was learning how to steer hurricanes via high-atmosphere heat injection, kind of like guiding a kitten with a string.

Watch out for Bioterrorism says Bill Gates. Which reminds me, kind of funny how Texas was suddenly colder than Montana. Wow. Out of nowhere.

What happened on this day in 1933?

Klaus Schwab says you will ONLY ONLY ONLY eat bugs and will love it.

Some of the ingredients for the mRNA Covid Vaccine includes some of the most commonly consumed things including vinegar, salt, sugar, plus a few very common preservatives found in so many food items. Too many people buy processed foods which includes preservatives in them.

So, why are these commonly consumed items in the vaccine? It is there to trigger autoimmune responses in your body's immune system.

It may takes years for your body to get there, but slowly over time, your body will begin to develop allergies to salt, sugar, vinegar, etc. These allergies may spiral out of control into even worse problems over time. Now, that is just the tip of the iceberg. But it is a good thing to start with and share with others. Don't believe me. Don't take my word for it. Go get a list of the ingredients to these vaccines and post them here. I will wait for your awesome responses. Thank you so much in advance for responding with the real list of ingredients. Prove me wrong. Easy to do. Just show me the ingredients. Show me these items, like salt, is not in the vaccine.


General Shepherd


Age of Samurai

2021-02-27 - Saturday - 02:14 AM - 03:00 AM - Age of Samurai: Battle for Japan - Season 1 Episode 1 - The Rise of Oda Nobunaga


07:40 AM - Interview with Actor Kevin Sorbo at CPAC 2021 2/26/21



Jordan B Peterson

08:49 AM - The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast - Season 4 Episode 7: Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Pino 1970


General Shepherd

10:48 PM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Saturday - 2/27/21

Dear diary, got up at 7:20 AM to my alarm. Hydrogen peroxide for my right ear, a cold, stuffy ear not nose for past few days or longer. A normal allergy kind of thing. Normal for each year or so. 155 in total for yesterday and today. Work from 10 AM apx to 4 PM apx. So six hours or less. Around 6 hours yesterday. Pay is around ten or twelve dollars an hour. Maybe as high as 15 at times. He used his bulldozer to knock down trees as he clears a path towards the cow. I was clearing out spots picking up branches and raking up leaf piles first before all that. But spent most of the day cleaning out a chicken house, the old dirt, the house being around five to ten feet, dirt being a few inches deep, possibly around three inches. Probably around a dozen or more wheel barrows worth of dirt dug out. Back home around like 04:30 PM or maybe closer to five. Maybe after five. I told him about Sim City. When you knock things down, you use a bulldozer. Critters fed. Mail. Boots found in small garage. Dishes. I wonder if he, boat, fish plan. Shower around 6 PM and 7 PM for like an hour or I am not sure how long. It is now 7:40 PM. 08:30 PM apx while eating ice-cream, ran into one movie starring the man who stars in Blue Bloods. Then ran into Sabrina made in 1995 starring Harrison Ford. It is a romance between an appealing girl, Ford's character, and some idiot man who sat on his own glasses, as in cups, which were in his back pocket for the girl. So, Ford came to greet her after that in his place. He had to go get stitches. I only saw a few minutes and I want to see the whole thing now.

Food Log

Here is what I'm eating, drinking, consuming, digesting, my diet.

Breakfast: banana, 07:33 AM, coffee
Lunch: pizza, cookies, P&J sandwich from a package, water, etc, around 1 and 2 PM.
Dinner: soup starting at 7:32 PM. A smoothy around 5 PM. Pretty good ice-cream around 08:30 PM.

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